Today we are at exactly 13 weeks!!!! You'll have to bear with me as this is my first official "bumpdate" and I'll probably play around with what I actually write about. For now, I'm sticking with a format I've seen a number of other people do :) If there's anything else or different anyone wants me to add let me know!!
How far along: 13 weeks!
How far along am I measuring: Dr's appointment next week, but I like its around 20 weeks.
Weight Gain/Loss: +2.5lbs (but that was as of 10 weeks)
How Big are Babies: Their about the size of a peaches this week. Ultrasound next week to find out actual size.
Major Achievement for Babies: They are forming teeth and vocal cords!
Maternity Clothes: Yup! Have been wearing maternity shirts since about week 8. I call still wear my pre-pregnancy jeans as long as I wear them really low and have my bella-band on
Sleep: Much better now! I had pretty bad insomnia the first 6-7 weeks. Now I sleep like a rock and sleep about 12 hours a night!
Movement: Not yet :( I was told that I'll probably feel it earlier that a singleton pregnancy though!!
Food Cravings: French Fries. I woke up this morning desperately wanting apples and oranges; time to go grocery shopping!
Food Aversions: Sweets! I do NOT like sweets at all! I also don't like most food in general.... it just doesn't appeal to me.... I eat WAY less now that I'm pregnant that I ever did before.
Genders: Don't know yet. But, we did find out we are having a 14 week ultrasound, and they said if the babies are cooperative, we may be able to tell genders!! And we will share genders once we know.
Symptoms: Round ligament pain and cramping are my biggest symptoms right now. I'm stretching like crazy though, so I'm sure that's why. Good news is, no stretch marks (or, as I like to call them, "baby marks") yet. Still have some nausea, usually when my blood sugar starts to drop, headaches, big/tender breasts, acne, and getting fatigued quickly.
Best Moment(s) This Week: Hitting the 2nd Trimester!!
What am I Looking Forward To: 14 week Ultrasound and Dr's appointment and possibility of finding out genders. I'm also anxious to feel movement :)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Time for An Update
I can't believe how quickly time is going! I had to go back and read my last post because I wasn't sure where I'd last left off....
Today I'm 11 weeks 2 days! Can you believe it! Only another week and 5 days until I'm officially into the 2nd trimester.... or, as I've been referring to it...into the safety zone. I'm ready to feel "safer" in this pregnancy. While we have no medical reasons to worry, there's something about being in the 1st trimester that leaves me sitting on edge.
We had our second ultrasound with Dr. D at 7w5d and were able to hear both babies heartbeats! Baby A's was 150 BPM and Baby B's was 157 BPM. They were both measuring 14.77mm! After the ultrasound we met with Dr. D in his office and were told that we were officially graduating!!! As much as we love our RE's office, its exciting to be moving on to our OB.
I had my first... well, first 2 appointments at my OB's last week. I went in Thursday to meet with the nurse so she could give me a big packet of information telling me everything I'm not allowed to do for the next 9 months. Then I went back Friday for my actually OB appointment.
At both appointments I was informed (numerous times I might add) that this is a "high risk pregnancy." However, because I have no underlying health issues, the only reason that its high risk is because its twins. Also, because they're fraternal twins, its even lower high risk. So, basically they're not really worried, but they have to treat it like a high risk pregnancy because there are two babies. Fine with me! More ultrasounds means getting to see my babies more! :)
I was also told that they're very happy with the way both babies are growing! Particularly that they're going at exactly the same rate! Apparently that's one of the biggest things they monitor in twin pregnancies... that both babies are growing at the same rate.
After the not so fun physical exam, Dr. U did an ultrasound and I couldn't believe how big they're getting! It was done at 10w1day; Baby A measured at 10w2d and Baby B measured 10w5days! Big Dutch babies... I knew it!!! I was a little bummed to be able to hear their heartbeats again, but I could definitely see them! The craziest part of the entire thing was that they were both moving! Both of them were flailing their arms, kicking their legs and wiggling their entire bodies! It's so crazy that there are two little people inside me, doing gymnastics, but I can't feel a thing... yet! :)
Dr. U informed me that we'd be following up with MFM (maternal-fetal medicine) for all future ultrasounds and testing. While she didn't go into much detail about this, I do know a little about it. My understanding is that with any high-risk/multiples pregnancy, the mom has to be monitored by MFM for all testing because they had get more specific/accurate measurements and results. (I could be WAY off tho! I'll let you know once I know more).
So, even though I continue to see my OB every 4 weeks, I won't have another ultrasound until 20 weeks. I didn't realize how spoiled I've been being able to see them every 2 weeks... Now I have to wait 10!
The strangest part of my OB appointment was when she asked me how I wanted to have my babies. Of course my response was "medicated," but I didn't really think about picking in advance if I wanted a C-section or not. She said at about 25 weeks or so they'll ask me again how I want to have them and if I want a C-section they'll just schedule it for 37 weeks, otherwise I can just wait until my body goes on its own... but if I don't go by 38 weeks, they'll induce me.
Obviously its WAY to early to decide that... and there may be circumstances that prevent me from being able to decide (pre-term labor, one or both babies breech, etc...) but it's certainly not a decision I thought I'd have to be making.
Pregnancy wise things have been going well. Everyday is a milestone; everyday I feel a little better; everyday I look a little bigger :) Good thing we didn't try to keep our pregnancy under wraps for too long; there's no way I could hide this bump even if I wanted too!
Next OB appointment is January 4th, I'll try to have a "bump" photo by then. I've been a little too self conscious to post any pictures as I feel that I'm way bigger than anyone else at 11 weeks :)
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Today I'm 11 weeks 2 days! Can you believe it! Only another week and 5 days until I'm officially into the 2nd trimester.... or, as I've been referring to it...into the safety zone. I'm ready to feel "safer" in this pregnancy. While we have no medical reasons to worry, there's something about being in the 1st trimester that leaves me sitting on edge.
We had our second ultrasound with Dr. D at 7w5d and were able to hear both babies heartbeats! Baby A's was 150 BPM and Baby B's was 157 BPM. They were both measuring 14.77mm! After the ultrasound we met with Dr. D in his office and were told that we were officially graduating!!! As much as we love our RE's office, its exciting to be moving on to our OB.
I had my first... well, first 2 appointments at my OB's last week. I went in Thursday to meet with the nurse so she could give me a big packet of information telling me everything I'm not allowed to do for the next 9 months. Then I went back Friday for my actually OB appointment.
At both appointments I was informed (numerous times I might add) that this is a "high risk pregnancy." However, because I have no underlying health issues, the only reason that its high risk is because its twins. Also, because they're fraternal twins, its even lower high risk. So, basically they're not really worried, but they have to treat it like a high risk pregnancy because there are two babies. Fine with me! More ultrasounds means getting to see my babies more! :)
I was also told that they're very happy with the way both babies are growing! Particularly that they're going at exactly the same rate! Apparently that's one of the biggest things they monitor in twin pregnancies... that both babies are growing at the same rate.
After the not so fun physical exam, Dr. U did an ultrasound and I couldn't believe how big they're getting! It was done at 10w1day; Baby A measured at 10w2d and Baby B measured 10w5days! Big Dutch babies... I knew it!!! I was a little bummed to be able to hear their heartbeats again, but I could definitely see them! The craziest part of the entire thing was that they were both moving! Both of them were flailing their arms, kicking their legs and wiggling their entire bodies! It's so crazy that there are two little people inside me, doing gymnastics, but I can't feel a thing... yet! :)
Dr. U informed me that we'd be following up with MFM (maternal-fetal medicine) for all future ultrasounds and testing. While she didn't go into much detail about this, I do know a little about it. My understanding is that with any high-risk/multiples pregnancy, the mom has to be monitored by MFM for all testing because they had get more specific/accurate measurements and results. (I could be WAY off tho! I'll let you know once I know more).
So, even though I continue to see my OB every 4 weeks, I won't have another ultrasound until 20 weeks. I didn't realize how spoiled I've been being able to see them every 2 weeks... Now I have to wait 10!
The strangest part of my OB appointment was when she asked me how I wanted to have my babies. Of course my response was "medicated," but I didn't really think about picking in advance if I wanted a C-section or not. She said at about 25 weeks or so they'll ask me again how I want to have them and if I want a C-section they'll just schedule it for 37 weeks, otherwise I can just wait until my body goes on its own... but if I don't go by 38 weeks, they'll induce me.
Obviously its WAY to early to decide that... and there may be circumstances that prevent me from being able to decide (pre-term labor, one or both babies breech, etc...) but it's certainly not a decision I thought I'd have to be making.
Pregnancy wise things have been going well. Everyday is a milestone; everyday I feel a little better; everyday I look a little bigger :) Good thing we didn't try to keep our pregnancy under wraps for too long; there's no way I could hide this bump even if I wanted too!
Next OB appointment is January 4th, I'll try to have a "bump" photo by then. I've been a little too self conscious to post any pictures as I feel that I'm way bigger than anyone else at 11 weeks :)
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Friday, November 16, 2012
I want to start by apologizing for being MIA for the last few weeks. We've had a lot going on and our Internet hasn't exactly been cooperative. But I know, at least some of you, are anxious to hear what's been happening.
I know there's reason many of you are reading this, so I'll get straight to the point.
10/26/12 - 1st hCG = 148!!!!!!!
10/28/12 - 2nd hCG = 360!!!!!!! ( more than doubled in 48 hours)
WE'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for keeping you all out of the loop and in suspense; and yes, we've known for a while, but wanted to wait to share the news. Of course as soon as the Dr. office called on the 26th we immediately called both sets of parents, but wanted to wait until after the second blood draw to tell anyone else.
The last 7 weeks have been overwhelming and a little boring all at the same time. (Thanks to continued bedrest).
The day before my scheduled hCG, I ended up having to go into the Dr.'s because I'd gained 3+lbs in a matter of hours (a sign of hyperstimulation). They already knew I was hyperstimulating, but with the significant weight gain, Dr. D wanted to see me. He told us that he suspected I was hyperstimulating because I was pregnant, but we'd have to wait for the labs the next day to know for sure.
I ended up having 1/2 liter of fluid drained from my abdominal/pelvic cavity. Dr. D said he hoped it would buy me 4-5 days of relief (for anyone who's never experienced moderate OHSS, it's VERY uncomfortable!! I looked like I was at least 6 months pregnant from all the fluid!!)
Of course, being me, I had relief for about....12 hours before the fluid started building up again. But once we got the call that we were pregnant, I was totally ok with it!
After the second hCG we did tell a couple more people that we were pregnant, mostly family, but I was afraid of jumping the gun and announcing it too soon. I had my first OB ultrasound scheduled with my RE on November 7th and kept saying we'd tell everyone after that.
Unfortunately, Bob wasn't able to go with me to the ultrasound due to work, so I went by myself, completely terrified that they wouldn't see anything and that the entire thing was a fluke.
Dr. D put the wand in and said, "Yup, just what I thought.... twins."
I think I actually started laughing because I thought he was joking. But sure enough, we're having TWINS!!!! Here they are at 5 weeks, 6 days
They're fraternal twins... meaning both embryos stuck!!
My favorite part about the entire ultrasound was seeing both of their heart beats! They were too small to catch to hear them, but we could 100% see them both!!!
Apparently, OHSS can also last longer when pregnant with multiples, and that's what our Dr. suspected all along. :)
As soon as I left I was desperately trying to get ahold of my husband to tell him.... I was ready to scream it from the roof tops, but figured Bob should know before anyone else. While I was waiting to hear back from him, I stopped at the pharmacy to get some additional folic acid (had to more than double my dose for twins). As I was wandering the baby section of Target, like I like to do, I started having a mini panic attack and the reality of having twins set in. One second I was so excited and the next I felt like I was going to pass out. Fortunately I made it out of the store in one piece and headed home to meet Bob.
I was so anxious to tell him that as soon as he walked in the door I shoved the pictures in his face and practically screamed, "It's Twins!!!"
He just stared at me for a couple seconds and said " twins...."
Poor guy had to leave within a couple minutes to go back to work so I didn't give him much time to process it. Then I started calling family that already knew we were pregnant to tell them about the twins.
I thought about doing a blog posting right then, but I got all nervous and afraid that if I made it public, something would go terribly wrong.
I'm still on minimal activity/bed rest because my ovaries are so enlarged from the OHSS... I've also been having terrible morning, or rather all day, sickness so haven't left my house much in the last few weeks. Its made it easy for Bob and I to avoid the questions, but our poor families have had to hide it :) I finally got fed up and just posted the ultrasound picture on facebook.
So, many of you may already know all of this, but I think there's at least a few that didn't. And I know its still really early to have made it completely public. But after a lot of thinking and processing we realized we're the ones who made our journey public. And while we still have the right to our privacy when needed, we want all of you to be a part of this journey.
There are a lot of additional concerns and fears when pregnant with twins.... there's a higher incidence of miscarriage of one or both babies... but we want you all to know where we're at and how you can continue to pray for us.
Our next ultrasound is next week Tuesday and Dr. D said we should definitely be able to hear the heartbeats then! That's our prayer for this week... that we would in fact be able to hear both of their heartbeats. That both of our children would continue to grow and develop. As miserable as this all day sickness has made me feel; I'm constantly reminding myself that its a sign the hormones are still pumping!
We want to thank all of you for your past and continued prayers and support!! We'll do our best to keep you updated as week continue on this journey!!
I know there's reason many of you are reading this, so I'll get straight to the point.
10/26/12 - 1st hCG = 148!!!!!!!
10/28/12 - 2nd hCG = 360!!!!!!! ( more than doubled in 48 hours)
WE'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for keeping you all out of the loop and in suspense; and yes, we've known for a while, but wanted to wait to share the news. Of course as soon as the Dr. office called on the 26th we immediately called both sets of parents, but wanted to wait until after the second blood draw to tell anyone else.
The last 7 weeks have been overwhelming and a little boring all at the same time. (Thanks to continued bedrest).
The day before my scheduled hCG, I ended up having to go into the Dr.'s because I'd gained 3+lbs in a matter of hours (a sign of hyperstimulation). They already knew I was hyperstimulating, but with the significant weight gain, Dr. D wanted to see me. He told us that he suspected I was hyperstimulating because I was pregnant, but we'd have to wait for the labs the next day to know for sure.
I ended up having 1/2 liter of fluid drained from my abdominal/pelvic cavity. Dr. D said he hoped it would buy me 4-5 days of relief (for anyone who's never experienced moderate OHSS, it's VERY uncomfortable!! I looked like I was at least 6 months pregnant from all the fluid!!)
Of course, being me, I had relief for about....12 hours before the fluid started building up again. But once we got the call that we were pregnant, I was totally ok with it!
After the second hCG we did tell a couple more people that we were pregnant, mostly family, but I was afraid of jumping the gun and announcing it too soon. I had my first OB ultrasound scheduled with my RE on November 7th and kept saying we'd tell everyone after that.
Unfortunately, Bob wasn't able to go with me to the ultrasound due to work, so I went by myself, completely terrified that they wouldn't see anything and that the entire thing was a fluke.
Dr. D put the wand in and said, "Yup, just what I thought.... twins."
I think I actually started laughing because I thought he was joking. But sure enough, we're having TWINS!!!! Here they are at 5 weeks, 6 days
They're fraternal twins... meaning both embryos stuck!!
My favorite part about the entire ultrasound was seeing both of their heart beats! They were too small to catch to hear them, but we could 100% see them both!!!
Apparently, OHSS can also last longer when pregnant with multiples, and that's what our Dr. suspected all along. :)
As soon as I left I was desperately trying to get ahold of my husband to tell him.... I was ready to scream it from the roof tops, but figured Bob should know before anyone else. While I was waiting to hear back from him, I stopped at the pharmacy to get some additional folic acid (had to more than double my dose for twins). As I was wandering the baby section of Target, like I like to do, I started having a mini panic attack and the reality of having twins set in. One second I was so excited and the next I felt like I was going to pass out. Fortunately I made it out of the store in one piece and headed home to meet Bob.
I was so anxious to tell him that as soon as he walked in the door I shoved the pictures in his face and practically screamed, "It's Twins!!!"
He just stared at me for a couple seconds and said " twins...."
Poor guy had to leave within a couple minutes to go back to work so I didn't give him much time to process it. Then I started calling family that already knew we were pregnant to tell them about the twins.
I thought about doing a blog posting right then, but I got all nervous and afraid that if I made it public, something would go terribly wrong.
I'm still on minimal activity/bed rest because my ovaries are so enlarged from the OHSS... I've also been having terrible morning, or rather all day, sickness so haven't left my house much in the last few weeks. Its made it easy for Bob and I to avoid the questions, but our poor families have had to hide it :) I finally got fed up and just posted the ultrasound picture on facebook.
So, many of you may already know all of this, but I think there's at least a few that didn't. And I know its still really early to have made it completely public. But after a lot of thinking and processing we realized we're the ones who made our journey public. And while we still have the right to our privacy when needed, we want all of you to be a part of this journey.
There are a lot of additional concerns and fears when pregnant with twins.... there's a higher incidence of miscarriage of one or both babies... but we want you all to know where we're at and how you can continue to pray for us.
Our next ultrasound is next week Tuesday and Dr. D said we should definitely be able to hear the heartbeats then! That's our prayer for this week... that we would in fact be able to hear both of their heartbeats. That both of our children would continue to grow and develop. As miserable as this all day sickness has made me feel; I'm constantly reminding myself that its a sign the hormones are still pumping!
We want to thank all of you for your past and continued prayers and support!! We'll do our best to keep you updated as week continue on this journey!!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Bed Rest and Blessings
I am dealing with some mild OHSS; I'm still sore and (extremely) bloated. It doesn't feel natural to "know" where my ovaries are :) I spoke with the RN at the office today who told me to take an extra day on minimal activity... so today I've, once again, done nothing :) But I have definitely improved from how I felt Saturday and even yesterday.
The transfer went very well! They transferred 2 and were able to freeze the remaining 8!!!
The day of the transfer I had to lay flat on my back with my legs elevated for 4 hours without getting up to even use the bathroom! It was pretty much the worst. I was achey and restless and sick of laying down after only a few hours.
But then I'd look at my picture... the picture Dr. D gave me of one of our beautiful, perfect embryos, and was reminded why I'm doing this. That beautiful baby... our perfect 3 cell embryo... that's why I'm laying here. No matter how much I want to get up and clean or cook; no matter how helpless I feel; no matter how sore my back is or how restless my legs are; Those embryos are worth it!!
We are so blessed! The medications worked without complication; they were able to retrieve 18 eggs; all 10 that could be fertilized, did fertilize; we were able to transfer 2 and freeze 8!! Whether or not this cycle of IVF results in pregnancy, we are blessed because this process works for us! There are many people who have extensive complications from meds and procedures, who get only a few eggs, who are unable to freeze any embryos.
We know there are no guarantees, there's no absolutes, but there is hope and that is what we hold on to.
The transfer went very well! They transferred 2 and were able to freeze the remaining 8!!!
The day of the transfer I had to lay flat on my back with my legs elevated for 4 hours without getting up to even use the bathroom! It was pretty much the worst. I was achey and restless and sick of laying down after only a few hours.
But then I'd look at my picture... the picture Dr. D gave me of one of our beautiful, perfect embryos, and was reminded why I'm doing this. That beautiful baby... our perfect 3 cell embryo... that's why I'm laying here. No matter how much I want to get up and clean or cook; no matter how helpless I feel; no matter how sore my back is or how restless my legs are; Those embryos are worth it!!
We are so blessed! The medications worked without complication; they were able to retrieve 18 eggs; all 10 that could be fertilized, did fertilize; we were able to transfer 2 and freeze 8!! Whether or not this cycle of IVF results in pregnancy, we are blessed because this process works for us! There are many people who have extensive complications from meds and procedures, who get only a few eggs, who are unable to freeze any embryos.
We know there are no guarantees, there's no absolutes, but there is hope and that is what we hold on to.
Friday, October 12, 2012
The Numbers Are In
Retrieval yesterday morning went well. No complications, and so far, no signs of OHSS!
I was pretty groggy most of yesterday from the anesthesia... in fact when I got home Bob made me some toast for breakfast and I definitely fell asleep with a bite in my mouth for a good 45 min! I was also very sore and uncomfortable, but am doing significantly better today.
We were told to arrive at 6:15am for procedure at 6:45am. The nurse... well... she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but everything worked out fine.
And now, for the real reason you're reading this post... My numbers.
I heard from the doctors office at 9:30am today... approximately 27 hours after retrieval.
18 eggs were retrieved!
7 were immature (so unable to fertilize)
1 was degenerative (old, so also unable to fertilize)
They attempted to fertilize the remaining 10 using ICSI. Of those........
ALL 10 FERTILIZED!!!!!!!!!!!
100% success in fertilization using ICSI!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't ask grades or anything, because it doesn't matter... all 10 eggs that could fertilize did! That's unheard of!!
We are over the moon right now! While we know that this doesn't mean all 10 will last indefinitely, they've all made it at least 24 hours! With ICSI, they fertilize approximately 2 hours after retrieval, so they've all made it since 8:45 yesterday morning!
As Bob said, we now have 10 babies! Can you believe it!?
Transfer is tomorrow morning at 9:00am. I'll have to stay at the office in the "head down reclining position" for about 1-2 hours and then once I get home, I need to be flat on my back with my legs elevated for the first 4 hours. Then its bed rest the next 48 hours. So lots of TV and movie watching for this girl! Hopefully I can convince Bob to move the big TV into our bedroom for the next few days :)
Thank you all for your prayers! We have so much to be thankful for right now!
I was pretty groggy most of yesterday from the anesthesia... in fact when I got home Bob made me some toast for breakfast and I definitely fell asleep with a bite in my mouth for a good 45 min! I was also very sore and uncomfortable, but am doing significantly better today.
We were told to arrive at 6:15am for procedure at 6:45am. The nurse... well... she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but everything worked out fine.
And now, for the real reason you're reading this post... My numbers.
I heard from the doctors office at 9:30am today... approximately 27 hours after retrieval.
18 eggs were retrieved!
7 were immature (so unable to fertilize)
1 was degenerative (old, so also unable to fertilize)
They attempted to fertilize the remaining 10 using ICSI. Of those........
ALL 10 FERTILIZED!!!!!!!!!!!
100% success in fertilization using ICSI!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't ask grades or anything, because it doesn't matter... all 10 eggs that could fertilize did! That's unheard of!!
We are over the moon right now! While we know that this doesn't mean all 10 will last indefinitely, they've all made it at least 24 hours! With ICSI, they fertilize approximately 2 hours after retrieval, so they've all made it since 8:45 yesterday morning!
As Bob said, we now have 10 babies! Can you believe it!?
Transfer is tomorrow morning at 9:00am. I'll have to stay at the office in the "head down reclining position" for about 1-2 hours and then once I get home, I need to be flat on my back with my legs elevated for the first 4 hours. Then its bed rest the next 48 hours. So lots of TV and movie watching for this girl! Hopefully I can convince Bob to move the big TV into our bedroom for the next few days :)
Thank you all for your prayers! We have so much to be thankful for right now!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Final Update before Retrieval!
Sorry for the gap in updates, we're still working on getting the Internet figured out.
Ok, where did I leave off... oh yeah!
So I went back in on Monday morning and everything looked "perfect!" My lining was at 15.5mm! I asked if it was ok that it hadn't changed much in the last few days, and was told that since it was so thick on Saturday, they hadn't expected it to be any thicker, but it still got .5 mm thicker, so that's a nice plus :)
As of Monday had 10 follicles definitely mature (between 16-20), 2 follicles between 14-15, and another 6-8 that were less than 8.
Estradial from Saturday was 1594 and as of Monday it was 3590.
I was sent home without talking to the nurse because they needed to have Dr. D review everything to determine if I was going to trigger Monday or Tuesday. The nurse called me Monday afternoon and said Dr. D wanted to me to continue the Lupron and Gonal-f for one more night and trigger Tuesday. He did, however, drop my dose of the Gonal-f to 150 units for the last injection.
As if it was even possible, I woke up this morning feeling more bloated than ever! I've resolved to only wearing pj pants, sweatpants, and yoga pants and didn't even bother trying to squeeze into my jeans this morning. I've also been feeling a little nauseous... I don't know if its the meds, the nerves, or the fact that my ovaries are so enlarged that my stomach is being shoved back up my throat.. (gross, I know).
My wonderful friend Beth just gave me my trigger injection... it was far less painful than I thought it would be!
I'm scheduled for my retrieval on Thursday, October 11th at 6:45am, and have to be there at 6:15 for anesthesia prep. I am so NOT excited to have to be there so early, but I am ready for this to be done!
Friday morning I'm supposed to be getting a call from either the nurse or the embryologist to let me know the status of our embryos (how many were retrieved, how many fertilized, how many are actively maturing, etc...) and to schedule me for the transfer, which will happen sometime on Saturday.
Then comes the worst part... waiting.
For the first time during this IVF process, I'm beginning to feel fearful. Fearful that something will go wrong; that none of the eggs will fertilize; that none will make it to freeze. And most of all, fearful that it won't work. And then where will be at? We certainly can't afford to do this again anytime soon... How will we handle the emotional strain of a failed IVF?
We know that God is in control; and I've been reminded over and over this week that He has me right where He wants me and that there's a reason He has us right here right now. We may never know the "why's" of our circumstances... at least not in this life.... but we hold on to the thing He's given us... Hope.
Ok, where did I leave off... oh yeah!
So I went back in on Monday morning and everything looked "perfect!" My lining was at 15.5mm! I asked if it was ok that it hadn't changed much in the last few days, and was told that since it was so thick on Saturday, they hadn't expected it to be any thicker, but it still got .5 mm thicker, so that's a nice plus :)
As of Monday had 10 follicles definitely mature (between 16-20), 2 follicles between 14-15, and another 6-8 that were less than 8.
Estradial from Saturday was 1594 and as of Monday it was 3590.
I was sent home without talking to the nurse because they needed to have Dr. D review everything to determine if I was going to trigger Monday or Tuesday. The nurse called me Monday afternoon and said Dr. D wanted to me to continue the Lupron and Gonal-f for one more night and trigger Tuesday. He did, however, drop my dose of the Gonal-f to 150 units for the last injection.
As if it was even possible, I woke up this morning feeling more bloated than ever! I've resolved to only wearing pj pants, sweatpants, and yoga pants and didn't even bother trying to squeeze into my jeans this morning. I've also been feeling a little nauseous... I don't know if its the meds, the nerves, or the fact that my ovaries are so enlarged that my stomach is being shoved back up my throat.. (gross, I know).
My wonderful friend Beth just gave me my trigger injection... it was far less painful than I thought it would be!
I'm scheduled for my retrieval on Thursday, October 11th at 6:45am, and have to be there at 6:15 for anesthesia prep. I am so NOT excited to have to be there so early, but I am ready for this to be done!
Friday morning I'm supposed to be getting a call from either the nurse or the embryologist to let me know the status of our embryos (how many were retrieved, how many fertilized, how many are actively maturing, etc...) and to schedule me for the transfer, which will happen sometime on Saturday.
Then comes the worst part... waiting.
For the first time during this IVF process, I'm beginning to feel fearful. Fearful that something will go wrong; that none of the eggs will fertilize; that none will make it to freeze. And most of all, fearful that it won't work. And then where will be at? We certainly can't afford to do this again anytime soon... How will we handle the emotional strain of a failed IVF?
We know that God is in control; and I've been reminded over and over this week that He has me right where He wants me and that there's a reason He has us right here right now. We may never know the "why's" of our circumstances... at least not in this life.... but we hold on to the thing He's given us... Hope.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Right on Track
Ultrasound this morning showed lining at 15mm!!
Still around 12 follicles actively maturing; ranging in size from 11.5-16.5 with another 6-7 follicles at 8mm or less.
I go back in on Monday morning, and depending on where I'm at, I may trigger Monday night; otherwise, if Dr. D wants me to give it one more day, I'll trigger on Tuesday as originally planned.
Still sore and bloated and its getting worse every day. You know how usually if you wear the same pair of jeans twice, they've stretched out by the second time... nope, not for me! All mine are just getting more and more snug.
I went to Target yesterday to pick up a prescription and buy more PreNatal vitamins and the girl at the checkout counter kept stealing glimpses of my stomach... I think she was trying to decide if I looked pregnant or just fat.... wrong! Its just my IVF bloat!
Still around 12 follicles actively maturing; ranging in size from 11.5-16.5 with another 6-7 follicles at 8mm or less.
I go back in on Monday morning, and depending on where I'm at, I may trigger Monday night; otherwise, if Dr. D wants me to give it one more day, I'll trigger on Tuesday as originally planned.
Still sore and bloated and its getting worse every day. You know how usually if you wear the same pair of jeans twice, they've stretched out by the second time... nope, not for me! All mine are just getting more and more snug.
I went to Target yesterday to pick up a prescription and buy more PreNatal vitamins and the girl at the checkout counter kept stealing glimpses of my stomach... I think she was trying to decide if I looked pregnant or just fat.... wrong! Its just my IVF bloat!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Now there's 12!
I went in early this morning for my ultrasound and bloodwork. I won't know the results of my labs until later this afternoon, or possibly even Saturday, but as of Tuesday my estradial was 197 (which is good).
Today the RN found 12 follicles that are actively growing... she kind of implied that I had more that that total, but that those are the ones that are maturing on track. The smallest is 9.5 mm and the largest 11.5mm! Right where they're supposed to be! And my lining is at 9.5mm! The nurse was very excited that they're all maturing at the same rate.
As of right now, I'm to continue on .05ml of Lupron, and 225 units of Gonal-F.
All of this is very good to hear... but there's part of me that's incredibly disappointed. Most of the stories I've heard and blogs I follow the people end up with 15-25 follicles being retrieved... and here we are at only 12. I just have to keep reminding myself that it only takes 1!
I'm also pretty uncomfortable today. It's like I can feel how full and heavy my ovaries are. I'm sore, swollen, bloated, and tired. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to button my jeans; they're pretty snug today! I can't imagine how uncomfortable I'm going to be by next week...Good thing its a rainy day so I don't feel so bad about watching movies all day.
Based on today's ultrasound, we're looking at tentative retrieval next week Thursday, with transfer the following Saturday. I have to go back in this Saturday and next week Monday. The RN was optimistic that I'd be done with meds after Monday night... well, done with Gonal-f and Lupron... next comes "the big one" the IM trigger injection (so not excited about that one!)
Unfortunately, that also means that we have to pay another $830 for the additional meds...
Money is incredibly tight for us right now, so we'd appreciate your continued prayers on that front as well. Between moving, bills, meds, IVF, and anesthesia, we're having to watch our spending like never before. We trust that God will take care of us, but could use an extra dose of peace on that front.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and words of encouragement! We can't tell you how much it means to us to have your love and support as we go through this journey!
Today the RN found 12 follicles that are actively growing... she kind of implied that I had more that that total, but that those are the ones that are maturing on track. The smallest is 9.5 mm and the largest 11.5mm! Right where they're supposed to be! And my lining is at 9.5mm! The nurse was very excited that they're all maturing at the same rate.
As of right now, I'm to continue on .05ml of Lupron, and 225 units of Gonal-F.
All of this is very good to hear... but there's part of me that's incredibly disappointed. Most of the stories I've heard and blogs I follow the people end up with 15-25 follicles being retrieved... and here we are at only 12. I just have to keep reminding myself that it only takes 1!
I'm also pretty uncomfortable today. It's like I can feel how full and heavy my ovaries are. I'm sore, swollen, bloated, and tired. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to button my jeans; they're pretty snug today! I can't imagine how uncomfortable I'm going to be by next week...Good thing its a rainy day so I don't feel so bad about watching movies all day.
Based on today's ultrasound, we're looking at tentative retrieval next week Thursday, with transfer the following Saturday. I have to go back in this Saturday and next week Monday. The RN was optimistic that I'd be done with meds after Monday night... well, done with Gonal-f and Lupron... next comes "the big one" the IM trigger injection (so not excited about that one!)
Unfortunately, that also means that we have to pay another $830 for the additional meds...
Money is incredibly tight for us right now, so we'd appreciate your continued prayers on that front as well. Between moving, bills, meds, IVF, and anesthesia, we're having to watch our spending like never before. We trust that God will take care of us, but could use an extra dose of peace on that front.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and words of encouragement! We can't tell you how much it means to us to have your love and support as we go through this journey!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Ultrasound Update
Just wanted to do a quick update on my ultrasound this morning.
Dr. D's office likes lining to be a minimum of 7-8 at the time of transfer, and mine is already at 7.5! Which is "excellent" according to the nurse. She didn't give me the total number of follicles that I have, but I have 10 that are maturing "beautifully!" They're all between 9-11! To be considered mature, they should be at least 15 at the time of retrieval so we are well on our way!
I have to continue 225 IU of Gonal-f (yuck!) unless I get a call later this afternoon telling me otherwise (they won't get my lab results back untilthis afternoon so may need to adjust accordingly).
Emotionally, still pretty up and down, We had some serious issues with the leasing office at our old apartment complex yesterday; I think the hormones worked to my advantage at that point because I was both incredibly stubborn and angry and was literally sobbing on the phone! It all worked out though.
As a friend reminded me yesterday, there are times when God brings us to our absolute lowest to remind us how much we need Him. I think that's what He's doing with Bob and I right now. We have a lot on our plates and feel that we're facing a new obstacle at every corner, but with each new challenge, brings a new opportunity to trust Him!
Dr. D's office likes lining to be a minimum of 7-8 at the time of transfer, and mine is already at 7.5! Which is "excellent" according to the nurse. She didn't give me the total number of follicles that I have, but I have 10 that are maturing "beautifully!" They're all between 9-11! To be considered mature, they should be at least 15 at the time of retrieval so we are well on our way!
I have to continue 225 IU of Gonal-f (yuck!) unless I get a call later this afternoon telling me otherwise (they won't get my lab results back untilthis afternoon so may need to adjust accordingly).
Emotionally, still pretty up and down, We had some serious issues with the leasing office at our old apartment complex yesterday; I think the hormones worked to my advantage at that point because I was both incredibly stubborn and angry and was literally sobbing on the phone! It all worked out though.
As a friend reminded me yesterday, there are times when God brings us to our absolute lowest to remind us how much we need Him. I think that's what He's doing with Bob and I right now. We have a lot on our plates and feel that we're facing a new obstacle at every corner, but with each new challenge, brings a new opportunity to trust Him!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Life on a Rollercoaster
I feel as though the last few weeks I've been on a rollercoaster. Moving went surprisingly smooth. We had tons of help from our wonderful family and friends and now have everything moved! We are loving having all the space; I especially love having a basement to store all my extra... stuff in. :) We don't have internet set up at the house, I'm currently at the neighbors, so updates may be far and few in between for the next few weeks.
We are also LOVING living so close to our friends! Its amazing being able to walk down the street to their house. Evie is still confused... she's convinced she's supposed to be living in the "new house," as she calls it and even refers to the toy room as "Evie's bedroom" :)
Not going as great. I was doing pretty well on the Lupron, started having some hot flashes and more mood swings towards the end of last week. Last week Tuesday I went in for my screening ultrasound to make sure I didn't have any ovarian cysts and to see how many antral follicles I had. No cysts, and I had 24 follicles starting! They did tell me to think of this process like a NASCAR race... some will fall behind and disappear, others will suddenly catch up at the end.
I started my Menopur and Gonal-f on Thursday of last week... that was an experience. The nurse said she'd write down the dosages for me and when I went to give the Menopur, after reconstituting it, I saw that she wrote down to give "1." One what?? 1 unit? 1 mL? 1 vial? Since I had 2ml's of medication, I started to panic because that seemed like an awful lot to give into my stomach. I ended up calling the oncall Dr (because I was told if I ever had a question, even just a question about meds, to call) and ended up with a doctor who had no idea how to help me.
We finally figured it out and I gave myself the injection... man did that one hurt!! Glad that was only for 2 days!! I was also on a very low dose of Gonal-f because Dr. D was worried about OHSS.
I had my second ultrasound Saturday morning... down to 13 follicles :( I got a call later in the day saying that my estrodial was WAY too low and I needed to triple my dose of Gonal-f for the next three days. (which would explain why my period lasted 14 days!!).
Now that my meds have been tripled, I feel completely out of control... a feeling I DO NOT like! One second I'm crying, the next second I want to punch something... or someone. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster all day and no one, including me, knows what's coming next!
My amazing, incredible boss and friend was more gracious than I could ever deserve and gave me the month off! I cannot express my gratitude enough!! Its such a relief to have that taken off my plate while we go through this IVF.
I have another ultrasound tomorrow morning, if I get a chance I'll update on what happens.
For now, thank you all for your prayers, understanding and grace, I know I haven't been very fun to be around, and it will probably get worse before it gets better.
We are also LOVING living so close to our friends! Its amazing being able to walk down the street to their house. Evie is still confused... she's convinced she's supposed to be living in the "new house," as she calls it and even refers to the toy room as "Evie's bedroom" :)
Not going as great. I was doing pretty well on the Lupron, started having some hot flashes and more mood swings towards the end of last week. Last week Tuesday I went in for my screening ultrasound to make sure I didn't have any ovarian cysts and to see how many antral follicles I had. No cysts, and I had 24 follicles starting! They did tell me to think of this process like a NASCAR race... some will fall behind and disappear, others will suddenly catch up at the end.
I started my Menopur and Gonal-f on Thursday of last week... that was an experience. The nurse said she'd write down the dosages for me and when I went to give the Menopur, after reconstituting it, I saw that she wrote down to give "1." One what?? 1 unit? 1 mL? 1 vial? Since I had 2ml's of medication, I started to panic because that seemed like an awful lot to give into my stomach. I ended up calling the oncall Dr (because I was told if I ever had a question, even just a question about meds, to call) and ended up with a doctor who had no idea how to help me.
We finally figured it out and I gave myself the injection... man did that one hurt!! Glad that was only for 2 days!! I was also on a very low dose of Gonal-f because Dr. D was worried about OHSS.
I had my second ultrasound Saturday morning... down to 13 follicles :( I got a call later in the day saying that my estrodial was WAY too low and I needed to triple my dose of Gonal-f for the next three days. (which would explain why my period lasted 14 days!!).
Now that my meds have been tripled, I feel completely out of control... a feeling I DO NOT like! One second I'm crying, the next second I want to punch something... or someone. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster all day and no one, including me, knows what's coming next!
My amazing, incredible boss and friend was more gracious than I could ever deserve and gave me the month off! I cannot express my gratitude enough!! Its such a relief to have that taken off my plate while we go through this IVF.
I have another ultrasound tomorrow morning, if I get a chance I'll update on what happens.
For now, thank you all for your prayers, understanding and grace, I know I haven't been very fun to be around, and it will probably get worse before it gets better.
Friday, September 21, 2012
As if IVF wasn't enough..
We also just found out that we're moving!
Strange way to word it, I know... But we've been looking into the possibility of renting a house for a couple months or so and haven't really found anything in our price range and the area that we want that we liked.
We actually found a house listed for sale near our very dear friends, Mike and Beth, and noticed online that it said the home had been used as an income property for the last 5 years. So, on a whim, I decided to call the realtor and ask if the owners would consider renting it again. She said she'd talk to them and get back to us... but after about a month, we still hadn't heard anything and we gave up on the idea.
Well, while we were taking a ferry boat from Magic Kingdom to Hollywood Studios in Disney I was checking my voicemail and had a message from the owners of that house! She said they were taking it off the market and decided to rent it out again!
The day after we got home from Disney Bob and I did a tour of the home. We love it! 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, finished basement, enormous laundy room, and very small yard (which we actually like because the less lawn there is, the less maintenance there is!).
The rent was a little more than we'd been looking at, but we prayed about it and really felt this a door God had opened for us. So we filled out the applications and started the waiting process. Within 4 days of the owners listing the property for rent they'd received 4 applications! They wanted to move quickly though so told us they'd let us know their decision by Monday of this week.
While in the grocery store Monday night, they called and said we got it!!!!!! And we get the keys this week Sunday!!!
So ontop of being in the middle of IVF, we're also in the middle of moving. Most of you probably think we're crazy, we think we are too at times... but are choosing to move forward with both of these things in faith.
We'd been praying about timing for IVF and moving at the same time an feel like God's answered our questions and prayers.
On the IVF front, I'm doing a little better now. I had a few days that were bad! (poor Bob). Evey time he opened his mouth, even just to yawn, I was jumping down his throat. My patience was non-existant, and everything anyone said or did made me angry! Yesterday I started feeling better. I realized that even though these are side effects, I'm not a robot and still have a choice in my behavior so have been praying a lot about my attitude. And, once again prayers have been answered. Why do we ever doubt Him?
Prayer Requests for the next few weeks: That Bob and I would continue to choose Jesus everyday. That we'd remember who He is and what His word says. That the side effects from medications would be kept to a minimum. That the stress of doing both IVF and moving at the same time wouldn't become too much. We'd also appreciate prayers that we wouldn't be consumed by the costs surrounding IVF and moving... We've never been in a situation where we've had so many big expenses at once, and its tempting to be overwhelmed by the fear of not having enough money. We'd also appreciate prayers for the success of this IVF. While we know that God has a plan, we do still hope that this will be the time we get pregnant.
Thank you!
Strange way to word it, I know... But we've been looking into the possibility of renting a house for a couple months or so and haven't really found anything in our price range and the area that we want that we liked.
We actually found a house listed for sale near our very dear friends, Mike and Beth, and noticed online that it said the home had been used as an income property for the last 5 years. So, on a whim, I decided to call the realtor and ask if the owners would consider renting it again. She said she'd talk to them and get back to us... but after about a month, we still hadn't heard anything and we gave up on the idea.
Well, while we were taking a ferry boat from Magic Kingdom to Hollywood Studios in Disney I was checking my voicemail and had a message from the owners of that house! She said they were taking it off the market and decided to rent it out again!
The day after we got home from Disney Bob and I did a tour of the home. We love it! 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, finished basement, enormous laundy room, and very small yard (which we actually like because the less lawn there is, the less maintenance there is!).
The rent was a little more than we'd been looking at, but we prayed about it and really felt this a door God had opened for us. So we filled out the applications and started the waiting process. Within 4 days of the owners listing the property for rent they'd received 4 applications! They wanted to move quickly though so told us they'd let us know their decision by Monday of this week.
While in the grocery store Monday night, they called and said we got it!!!!!! And we get the keys this week Sunday!!!
So ontop of being in the middle of IVF, we're also in the middle of moving. Most of you probably think we're crazy, we think we are too at times... but are choosing to move forward with both of these things in faith.
We'd been praying about timing for IVF and moving at the same time an feel like God's answered our questions and prayers.
On the IVF front, I'm doing a little better now. I had a few days that were bad! (poor Bob). Evey time he opened his mouth, even just to yawn, I was jumping down his throat. My patience was non-existant, and everything anyone said or did made me angry! Yesterday I started feeling better. I realized that even though these are side effects, I'm not a robot and still have a choice in my behavior so have been praying a lot about my attitude. And, once again prayers have been answered. Why do we ever doubt Him?
Prayer Requests for the next few weeks: That Bob and I would continue to choose Jesus everyday. That we'd remember who He is and what His word says. That the side effects from medications would be kept to a minimum. That the stress of doing both IVF and moving at the same time wouldn't become too much. We'd also appreciate prayers that we wouldn't be consumed by the costs surrounding IVF and moving... We've never been in a situation where we've had so many big expenses at once, and its tempting to be overwhelmed by the fear of not having enough money. We'd also appreciate prayers for the success of this IVF. While we know that God has a plan, we do still hope that this will be the time we get pregnant.
Thank you!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Vacation and IVF status
Well we're back from Disney... what an amazing vacation! I was hoping to be able to post pictures, but my computer freezes every time I try to upload them. Hopefully I'll be able to add them soon!
My favorite part of the entire trip was seeing everyone elses' reaction, espcially the girls! Evie was so excited about every single character! We were worried that she'd be afraid of them, but she loved them! Every character she saw got, not only a hello from her, but also a hug and kiss. And she talked all day about which character she got to see. Made it so worth it! And it was just awesome to have the time away with our friends!
On the IVF front, all the medications were shipped while we were in Florida, so everything was waiting for us at my wonderful in-laws. Now, $1100 later, I have all my meds. I started my Lupron injections on Friday night (great welcome home present for me!) This is the medication that everyone kept telling me was terrible, so I've been expecting the worst.
Within 30 minutes of the first injection I started developing a big welt and hives at the injection site. Of course, my first reaction was to panic. I was convinced that I was allergic to the medication and that we wouldn't be able to do the IVF. Of course I was wrong, just a local reaction that went away within an hour or so and I haven't had any sign of allergic reaction since.
As far as side effects, the biggest one I'm noticing is being extremely tired... all of the time! I've also been pretty short with Bob today, but as usual, he's wonderful and gracious and isn't taking it personal. Are there any other major side effects that anyone else has noticed from the Lupron?
My favorite part of the entire trip was seeing everyone elses' reaction, espcially the girls! Evie was so excited about every single character! We were worried that she'd be afraid of them, but she loved them! Every character she saw got, not only a hello from her, but also a hug and kiss. And she talked all day about which character she got to see. Made it so worth it! And it was just awesome to have the time away with our friends!
On the IVF front, all the medications were shipped while we were in Florida, so everything was waiting for us at my wonderful in-laws. Now, $1100 later, I have all my meds. I started my Lupron injections on Friday night (great welcome home present for me!) This is the medication that everyone kept telling me was terrible, so I've been expecting the worst.
Within 30 minutes of the first injection I started developing a big welt and hives at the injection site. Of course, my first reaction was to panic. I was convinced that I was allergic to the medication and that we wouldn't be able to do the IVF. Of course I was wrong, just a local reaction that went away within an hour or so and I haven't had any sign of allergic reaction since.
As far as side effects, the biggest one I'm noticing is being extremely tired... all of the time! I've also been pretty short with Bob today, but as usual, he's wonderful and gracious and isn't taking it personal. Are there any other major side effects that anyone else has noticed from the Lupron?
Monday, August 27, 2012
We've Made Our Decision
Well, actually, God made it for us.
As I eluded to previously, we weren't certain if we should proceed immediately with IVF or wait until January, mostly because of busy we're going to be over the next few months. I think we have at least one trip every month between now and Christmas (our first one is only a few weeks away!!).
After much discussion, Bob and I decided to pray specifically that if we were supposed to move forward immediately, the timing would work perfectly, and if we're supposed to wait, the door would be completely closed. When it came down to the dates, we figured out that I'd need to get my period at least 2 days late, but not more than 6 days late in order to be able to proceed.
Friday marked day 29 of my cycle (making me 1 day late for my almost always 28 day cycle). I woke up with terrible cramps, bloating, and spotting. I was disappointed, but also had a sense of peace. I think we'd been planning all along that it wouldn't work out and we'd just have to wait until January. And I was finally at a place where I was able to enjoy life where we are. I'm loving getting to spend all this time with my nieces and work is keeping me busy. Bob and I have freedom that couples with kids don't get. We were finally at a point of being ok with waiting; and while disappointed that we wouldn't be moving forward, we were also a little relieved that we'd have more time to save money and take life a little slower.
Oops.... there we go again! Thinking that we're in control and that our timing is better than God's....
I didn't officially start my period until 12:18am Saturday morning. Which was cycle day 30, making me 2 days late.
Guess the door wasn't closed like we thought it was.
Believe it or not, we weren't excited at all! We, in our selfish, sinful nature, said, "Wait a second God. We were all set to wait. We had a plan. We were going to take the next few months slow. We were going to enjoy all these vacations with out any worries of conception or pregnancies. We (or rather I) was going to loose all this extra weight I've gained from the hormones, not start new hormones!"
Can you believe it? We asked for a specific sign. A way to know for sure what we should do in regards to timing. We said, "close the door for this month if You want us to wait." And when He left the door WIDE open, we still doubted. We still questioned, and we were still overwhelmed with fear.
After more discussing and more praying, we finally came to realize this very obvious fact. That God did answer our prayers. This doesn't mean that we are 100% positive this IVF will end in a pregnancy; we know God could still say no to a baby right now, but it does mean that we're 100% certain we're supposed to move forward with an IVF right now.
I called the Dr's office this morning. We both had all our screening and base line labs done (they sucked 7 vials of blood from me this morning!) and scheduled the mock embyro transfer for this week Wednesday. After that, we don't do anything else until cycle day 21, when I start injections :/
Which also happens to be the day after we get back from Florida (what a fabulous welcome home present!)
Thank you to all of you who've been praying for us. We ask for your continued prayers to calm any anxiety we have over moving forward. That we'd have peace with this decision; that the fear and worry over the money wouldn't consume or deter us from moving forward. That the side effects from medications won't be unbearable. That our marriage would remain strong; that we'd be a constant source of love and encouragement for one another. Prayer for success for this IVF, and for peace if God's will is different. And as always, that God's will would be done in all of this and that He'd use us to further His kingdom.
As I eluded to previously, we weren't certain if we should proceed immediately with IVF or wait until January, mostly because of busy we're going to be over the next few months. I think we have at least one trip every month between now and Christmas (our first one is only a few weeks away!!).
After much discussion, Bob and I decided to pray specifically that if we were supposed to move forward immediately, the timing would work perfectly, and if we're supposed to wait, the door would be completely closed. When it came down to the dates, we figured out that I'd need to get my period at least 2 days late, but not more than 6 days late in order to be able to proceed.
Friday marked day 29 of my cycle (making me 1 day late for my almost always 28 day cycle). I woke up with terrible cramps, bloating, and spotting. I was disappointed, but also had a sense of peace. I think we'd been planning all along that it wouldn't work out and we'd just have to wait until January. And I was finally at a place where I was able to enjoy life where we are. I'm loving getting to spend all this time with my nieces and work is keeping me busy. Bob and I have freedom that couples with kids don't get. We were finally at a point of being ok with waiting; and while disappointed that we wouldn't be moving forward, we were also a little relieved that we'd have more time to save money and take life a little slower.
Oops.... there we go again! Thinking that we're in control and that our timing is better than God's....
I didn't officially start my period until 12:18am Saturday morning. Which was cycle day 30, making me 2 days late.
Guess the door wasn't closed like we thought it was.
Believe it or not, we weren't excited at all! We, in our selfish, sinful nature, said, "Wait a second God. We were all set to wait. We had a plan. We were going to take the next few months slow. We were going to enjoy all these vacations with out any worries of conception or pregnancies. We (or rather I) was going to loose all this extra weight I've gained from the hormones, not start new hormones!"
Can you believe it? We asked for a specific sign. A way to know for sure what we should do in regards to timing. We said, "close the door for this month if You want us to wait." And when He left the door WIDE open, we still doubted. We still questioned, and we were still overwhelmed with fear.
After more discussing and more praying, we finally came to realize this very obvious fact. That God did answer our prayers. This doesn't mean that we are 100% positive this IVF will end in a pregnancy; we know God could still say no to a baby right now, but it does mean that we're 100% certain we're supposed to move forward with an IVF right now.
I called the Dr's office this morning. We both had all our screening and base line labs done (they sucked 7 vials of blood from me this morning!) and scheduled the mock embyro transfer for this week Wednesday. After that, we don't do anything else until cycle day 21, when I start injections :/
Which also happens to be the day after we get back from Florida (what a fabulous welcome home present!)
Thank you to all of you who've been praying for us. We ask for your continued prayers to calm any anxiety we have over moving forward. That we'd have peace with this decision; that the fear and worry over the money wouldn't consume or deter us from moving forward. That the side effects from medications won't be unbearable. That our marriage would remain strong; that we'd be a constant source of love and encouragement for one another. Prayer for success for this IVF, and for peace if God's will is different. And as always, that God's will would be done in all of this and that He'd use us to further His kingdom.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Sometimes a Little Change Makes All the Difference
Not much to report on the IF/IVF front. Still haven't made an definitive decisions... we can't really decide much of anything until the end of the month. We've been trying to coordinate with the insurance company to check and see if any aspects of the procedure/medications are covered at all. We also have to find out if they'll cover a portion of the anesthesia or not so I've been playing phone tag with their office for the last week.
Life has gotten very busy over the last few weeks.... but its also been good. I now have the blessed pleasure of spending 1-2 days a week watching my precious "nieces." Their mom recently started a part-time job and I get to watch them! I love every moment of it! They are so special to us and I absolutely love spending the extra time with them! Its given me an entirely new appreciation for moms though!
The first day I had them I took them to the store briefly just to get out of the house... that was quite the adventure! Between poopy diapers, switching kids from walking to the cart, changing carts because they wanted the one with the fancy seat, and trying to put both kids into car seats... man was I ready for a nap by the time we got home, thankfully they were too :)
Its also been so nice not being on any medications right now. There are certainly times when I get a little bummed that we're not actively pursuing treatment right now, its nice to finally feel like myself again. Its amazing how much those hormones mess with your body and mood. Bob and I have been choosing to just enjoy where we are in life and use our time to serve people around us. Its been a blessing to us.
These little changes have seemed to make a world of difference in our attitude and perspective... A much needed change.
Even more exciting is that we're just weeks away from our vacation to Disney World!!! We're excited to get away and spend time with our friends! We can't wait to see the girls' reaction to the wonders of Disney!
Thank you all for the kind comments and support and for your continued prayers!
Life has gotten very busy over the last few weeks.... but its also been good. I now have the blessed pleasure of spending 1-2 days a week watching my precious "nieces." Their mom recently started a part-time job and I get to watch them! I love every moment of it! They are so special to us and I absolutely love spending the extra time with them! Its given me an entirely new appreciation for moms though!
The first day I had them I took them to the store briefly just to get out of the house... that was quite the adventure! Between poopy diapers, switching kids from walking to the cart, changing carts because they wanted the one with the fancy seat, and trying to put both kids into car seats... man was I ready for a nap by the time we got home, thankfully they were too :)
Its also been so nice not being on any medications right now. There are certainly times when I get a little bummed that we're not actively pursuing treatment right now, its nice to finally feel like myself again. Its amazing how much those hormones mess with your body and mood. Bob and I have been choosing to just enjoy where we are in life and use our time to serve people around us. Its been a blessing to us.
These little changes have seemed to make a world of difference in our attitude and perspective... A much needed change.
Even more exciting is that we're just weeks away from our vacation to Disney World!!! We're excited to get away and spend time with our friends! We can't wait to see the girls' reaction to the wonders of Disney!
Thank you all for the kind comments and support and for your continued prayers!
Monday, August 6, 2012
IVF Timeline
Still doesn't really exist. :( Because of the timing of my periods and the vast number of vacations we have coming up, we still don't have a set timeline for our IVF. At this point, the soonest would be mid-October
Our IVF consult last week went well. It was extremely overwhelming for Bob (poor thing). It was a little easier for me to understand because I already knew what all of the medical terms meant... he had no idea what the nurse was referring to half the time. Thankfully, I think he's got it down now :)
As of right now, the tentative plan is to move forward at the end of August... which pretty much means that when I get my next period at the end of August we wait 21 days, and then actually start something. The nurse gave us all kind of handy calendars and reference sheets to look at and told us at least 5 times that if we EVER had any question, even after hours or in the middle of the night, to just call the on-call dr or nurse. Its nice to know that they aren't going to get upset with me for calling at 2am asking about one of my injections. :)
For about 8-10 days I'll be on an injection to suppress my ovaries... they want the stimulating meds to do all the work! Then, once I get my period (again) they'll lower the dose of suppression meds and add stimulating meds. All of which, of course, are injections. Most of them at SQ inj, which I can easily give to myself, but the IM ones are going to be a little tricky.... The nurse asked Bob if he's be able/willing to learn how to give them... he turned white as a sheet and starting shaking his head no. (he HATES needles!) Fortunately, I think there are some other people I can convince to help me there :)
Anyways, because I'm "super sensitive" to all meds, I'll need to go in every other day for ultrasounds and bloodwork to monitor follicle development and make sure my estrogen levels don't sky rocket. We were told that once I start the stims I'm not allowed to do any bouncing at all. This gave us a good laugh. At first we thought she was kidding, but apparently, because your ovaries are being hyperstimulated, they're bigger and heavier than normal, so any bouncing or jumping could cause them to twist, cutting off the blood supply to the ovary. (that's not scary or anything) So, needless to say, they'll be no trampolines or jet-ski-ing for this girl any time soon!
Then comes the retrieval (which I won't go into detail about). But it is amazing the things we have to decide and the number of papers we have to sign prior to the retrieval. Bob had to sign a form giving me permission to decide how many embryos to implant in case he's unable to be there; we have to decide if we want to fertilize all the eggs retrieved and if not, we have to decide whether to discard them or donate them; we have to assign guardians to any and all frozen embryos so that if we were to both pass away, the guardians could "carry out our wishes;" We have to decide who would get custody of frozen embryos in case of divorce (which won't ever happen, but we have to decide anyways).
So many things I never thought I'd have to think about! That was way more overwhelming to me than the explanation of the process. I already had a general idea of how things were going to work, but this stuff... this stuff I never even saw coming!
We also found out its going to cost more than we originally thought. Because Dr. D wants to use general anesthesia on me for the retrieval, that's a whole additional cost. It looks like it will now be around $12,000-$15,000!
We'd appreciate your continued prayers as we have a lot of decisions to make and information to process. We also have some, obvious, financial concerns. As much as we're eager to move forward, that's a TON of money to spend all at once and in a just a short amount of time.
We're both looking forward to having the month of August, and most of September medication free!! At times its sad that we aren't moving forward immediately, but I think we need this break. For our sanity, our health, and our hearts.
Thank you all for your love and support!
Our IVF consult last week went well. It was extremely overwhelming for Bob (poor thing). It was a little easier for me to understand because I already knew what all of the medical terms meant... he had no idea what the nurse was referring to half the time. Thankfully, I think he's got it down now :)
As of right now, the tentative plan is to move forward at the end of August... which pretty much means that when I get my next period at the end of August we wait 21 days, and then actually start something. The nurse gave us all kind of handy calendars and reference sheets to look at and told us at least 5 times that if we EVER had any question, even after hours or in the middle of the night, to just call the on-call dr or nurse. Its nice to know that they aren't going to get upset with me for calling at 2am asking about one of my injections. :)
For about 8-10 days I'll be on an injection to suppress my ovaries... they want the stimulating meds to do all the work! Then, once I get my period (again) they'll lower the dose of suppression meds and add stimulating meds. All of which, of course, are injections. Most of them at SQ inj, which I can easily give to myself, but the IM ones are going to be a little tricky.... The nurse asked Bob if he's be able/willing to learn how to give them... he turned white as a sheet and starting shaking his head no. (he HATES needles!) Fortunately, I think there are some other people I can convince to help me there :)
Anyways, because I'm "super sensitive" to all meds, I'll need to go in every other day for ultrasounds and bloodwork to monitor follicle development and make sure my estrogen levels don't sky rocket. We were told that once I start the stims I'm not allowed to do any bouncing at all. This gave us a good laugh. At first we thought she was kidding, but apparently, because your ovaries are being hyperstimulated, they're bigger and heavier than normal, so any bouncing or jumping could cause them to twist, cutting off the blood supply to the ovary. (that's not scary or anything) So, needless to say, they'll be no trampolines or jet-ski-ing for this girl any time soon!
Then comes the retrieval (which I won't go into detail about). But it is amazing the things we have to decide and the number of papers we have to sign prior to the retrieval. Bob had to sign a form giving me permission to decide how many embryos to implant in case he's unable to be there; we have to decide if we want to fertilize all the eggs retrieved and if not, we have to decide whether to discard them or donate them; we have to assign guardians to any and all frozen embryos so that if we were to both pass away, the guardians could "carry out our wishes;" We have to decide who would get custody of frozen embryos in case of divorce (which won't ever happen, but we have to decide anyways).
So many things I never thought I'd have to think about! That was way more overwhelming to me than the explanation of the process. I already had a general idea of how things were going to work, but this stuff... this stuff I never even saw coming!
We also found out its going to cost more than we originally thought. Because Dr. D wants to use general anesthesia on me for the retrieval, that's a whole additional cost. It looks like it will now be around $12,000-$15,000!
We'd appreciate your continued prayers as we have a lot of decisions to make and information to process. We also have some, obvious, financial concerns. As much as we're eager to move forward, that's a TON of money to spend all at once and in a just a short amount of time.
We're both looking forward to having the month of August, and most of September medication free!! At times its sad that we aren't moving forward immediately, but I think we need this break. For our sanity, our health, and our hearts.
Thank you all for your love and support!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Finally, a Diagnosis! CAUTION: TMI POST
We had our consultation with Dr. D this past Wednesday to decide what to do next. Up until this point we were being told that we had Unexplained Infertility. They thought maybe it was low progesterone/short luteal phase. Maybe it was due to the poor sperm morphology... maybe poor egg quality, maybe maybe maybe. Boy! Were we ever sick of being told "maybe" and "i'm not sure."
At this last appointment Dr. D looked at us and said, "you no longer are classified under the "unexplained infertility" it is Male Factor Infertility." While this certainly isn't good news, its kind of a relief to know the "why" behind all of this. There's no anger or blame, we refuse to point fingers. Its not his diagnosis, it's our diagnosis.
For whatever reason, his initial counts were "normal" with poor morphology. Ever since, counts, morphology, and motility have all been low. There's not a concern about varicose veins/vericocele because volume is normal. (Sorry, this entire post may be TMI).
So, what does this mean for treatment? Well, according to Dr. D, after 3 IUI's, our chances of success with this method of treatment have diminished significantly. With normal counts, eggs, etc, there's only about 20% success rate with IUI and after three it goes down to about 12-15%... but since we don't have "normal" numbers, our chances are even less. To put it bluntly, our only real chance of conceiving a child are through IVF (InVitro Fertilization). A lot of you probably know what this is, or have at least heard of it... but I'm going to really dumb it down for this post and try to explain it as best I can.
We'll be doing a 2 month IUI with ICSI. For the first month I'll be on medication to surpress my ovaries. I'll still have a normal period, I just won't ovulate that cycle. The second month I'll be on medication to hyperstimulate my ovaries. The hope here is to get around 20 follicles at the time of ovulation. I'll go in for frequent bloodwork and ultrasounds during this month to make sure my hormone levels are ok and that my eggs are growing in number and size without causing my body any harm. I'll have a mid-cycle ultrasound, typically day 13-14, at which point, assuming follicles are mature, I'll be given another trigger injection (I'm planning on giving this one to myself... the RN's at this office aren't very good at giving injections).
36 hours after the trigger injection, I'll go back to the office for egg retrieval. Dr. D said he'll knock me out for this proceedure since I've had.... issues in the past with this type of thing. (Thank goodness!) They'll then go in to my ovaries and aspirate each and every follicle. Bob will also give a sample on this day for the ICSI.
Rather than put our eggs in individual petri dishes with a couple million sperm each, like they normally do for IVF, we'll be doing ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). This means they'll inject a single, healthy sperm directly into each mature egg. The embryos are then monitors by an embyrologist for (usually) 5 days. They watch for cell division and make sure that they're growing and developing correctly before the transfer.
Because we're so young, Dr. D said we can pick whether we want to transfer one or two embies at a time... I think we'll do 2. So, 5 days after retrieval, I'll go back in and they'll tranfer two embryos into my uterus. Then it's another waiting game, hoping for implantation. Dr. D said our chances for success are 50-60% with the first IVF, then it only drops 5-10% with subsequent transfers.
I've heard of multiple people having 10 healthy embies that are able to be transfered. Assuming we get similar numbers, we'll transfer 2 and freeze the rest for future transfers.
So, that's the procedure. But there's definietly other things for us to consider.
This entire process is going to cost us $10,000! The transfer itself is $6000 and the ultrasound, bloodwork and medications are another $4000. That's a lot of money. We have another consultation with the IVF nurse at the end of the month, at which point they'll go over payment plan options... but the thought of trying to come up with that amount of money is paralyzing. I could never put a price on having a child... but all I can think is... what if we don't have a child. We're gladly accepting donations! :)
Timing is another obstacle for us. Doing the 2 month IVF is going to be kind of a challenge. We have a lot of vacations and trips planned starting in September and don't have two months to commit to this until next January. The ONLY way it would work for us to do IVF this year would be if the timing fell into place perfectly to start the process mid-September and do the transfer mid-Oct. Sadly, timing is yet another thing that is completely out of our control... it all depends on when I start my next period. (Stupid body).
Side effects, side effects, side effects! In case you haven't gathered this from my previous posts, I do not tolerate medication very well at all. No matter what the medication, no matter what's it's use, I WILL have every side effect possible. Femara is supposed to be practically side effect free.... for me... every possible side effect. That being said, being on the medication to stimulate my ovaries will likely cause headaches, bloating, MORE weight gain, acne, insomnia, nausea, constipation, and mood swings, just to name a few.
Because I'm so sensitive to medications, I will be getting lower than the lowest dose of the follicle stimulating hormones. My fear is that it will be too low and we'll get terrible counts. But the Dr's fear is that if he gives me any more than that, I'll develop OHSS (a whole different issue). They'll also be monitoring me much closer than most people because of my reaction to meds.
This is a lot of information to process. Its a lot to try to digest. Its a lot to explain to other people. And its a scary thing to decide to do. IVF does not always work... We're struggling with not focusing on that. This is really our only chance of having a baby of our own.
Most of you have probably heard of the 5 stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. We've gone through these stages 11 times over the past year. Every month we're not pregnant, we experience each and every one of these. Sometimes we process them faster than others, sometimes we experience one stage longer or shorter than the rest. But this time, I'm stuck in the Anger stage... and I have been for over a month. I'm furious. I'm mad that we are going through this. I'm mad that God gave us such a strong longing to be parents, but left us barren. I'm mad that God gives babies to crack whores, but not to us. I'm mad that people keep giving me "advice." If one more person tells me its stress and that I just need to relax, I'm going to scream! You wouldn't tell someone with cancer that its just stress and they need to relax, so why would you tell that to us when we too have a legitimate medical condition? I'm mad that we're being left behind. I'm mad that I've lost friends over this. I'm mad that I distance myself from people with babies, and that people with babies distance themselves from me. I'm just down right angry. I'm angry that I still have hope... I don't want any more false hope. I'm angry that people tell me that if I trusted God more, I'd have a baby. That if I wanted Him as much as I want a child, I'd have a baby (and yes, people have actually said these things to me).
We appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers. We often feel left behind and forgotten, and its comforting to know that there are people out there who care.
We'll keep you posted after out next appointment as to the tentative timing of our IVF.
At this last appointment Dr. D looked at us and said, "you no longer are classified under the "unexplained infertility" it is Male Factor Infertility." While this certainly isn't good news, its kind of a relief to know the "why" behind all of this. There's no anger or blame, we refuse to point fingers. Its not his diagnosis, it's our diagnosis.
For whatever reason, his initial counts were "normal" with poor morphology. Ever since, counts, morphology, and motility have all been low. There's not a concern about varicose veins/vericocele because volume is normal. (Sorry, this entire post may be TMI).
So, what does this mean for treatment? Well, according to Dr. D, after 3 IUI's, our chances of success with this method of treatment have diminished significantly. With normal counts, eggs, etc, there's only about 20% success rate with IUI and after three it goes down to about 12-15%... but since we don't have "normal" numbers, our chances are even less. To put it bluntly, our only real chance of conceiving a child are through IVF (InVitro Fertilization). A lot of you probably know what this is, or have at least heard of it... but I'm going to really dumb it down for this post and try to explain it as best I can.
We'll be doing a 2 month IUI with ICSI. For the first month I'll be on medication to surpress my ovaries. I'll still have a normal period, I just won't ovulate that cycle. The second month I'll be on medication to hyperstimulate my ovaries. The hope here is to get around 20 follicles at the time of ovulation. I'll go in for frequent bloodwork and ultrasounds during this month to make sure my hormone levels are ok and that my eggs are growing in number and size without causing my body any harm. I'll have a mid-cycle ultrasound, typically day 13-14, at which point, assuming follicles are mature, I'll be given another trigger injection (I'm planning on giving this one to myself... the RN's at this office aren't very good at giving injections).
36 hours after the trigger injection, I'll go back to the office for egg retrieval. Dr. D said he'll knock me out for this proceedure since I've had.... issues in the past with this type of thing. (Thank goodness!) They'll then go in to my ovaries and aspirate each and every follicle. Bob will also give a sample on this day for the ICSI.
Rather than put our eggs in individual petri dishes with a couple million sperm each, like they normally do for IVF, we'll be doing ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). This means they'll inject a single, healthy sperm directly into each mature egg. The embryos are then monitors by an embyrologist for (usually) 5 days. They watch for cell division and make sure that they're growing and developing correctly before the transfer.
Because we're so young, Dr. D said we can pick whether we want to transfer one or two embies at a time... I think we'll do 2. So, 5 days after retrieval, I'll go back in and they'll tranfer two embryos into my uterus. Then it's another waiting game, hoping for implantation. Dr. D said our chances for success are 50-60% with the first IVF, then it only drops 5-10% with subsequent transfers.
I've heard of multiple people having 10 healthy embies that are able to be transfered. Assuming we get similar numbers, we'll transfer 2 and freeze the rest for future transfers.
So, that's the procedure. But there's definietly other things for us to consider.
This entire process is going to cost us $10,000! The transfer itself is $6000 and the ultrasound, bloodwork and medications are another $4000. That's a lot of money. We have another consultation with the IVF nurse at the end of the month, at which point they'll go over payment plan options... but the thought of trying to come up with that amount of money is paralyzing. I could never put a price on having a child... but all I can think is... what if we don't have a child. We're gladly accepting donations! :)
Timing is another obstacle for us. Doing the 2 month IVF is going to be kind of a challenge. We have a lot of vacations and trips planned starting in September and don't have two months to commit to this until next January. The ONLY way it would work for us to do IVF this year would be if the timing fell into place perfectly to start the process mid-September and do the transfer mid-Oct. Sadly, timing is yet another thing that is completely out of our control... it all depends on when I start my next period. (Stupid body).
Side effects, side effects, side effects! In case you haven't gathered this from my previous posts, I do not tolerate medication very well at all. No matter what the medication, no matter what's it's use, I WILL have every side effect possible. Femara is supposed to be practically side effect free.... for me... every possible side effect. That being said, being on the medication to stimulate my ovaries will likely cause headaches, bloating, MORE weight gain, acne, insomnia, nausea, constipation, and mood swings, just to name a few.
Because I'm so sensitive to medications, I will be getting lower than the lowest dose of the follicle stimulating hormones. My fear is that it will be too low and we'll get terrible counts. But the Dr's fear is that if he gives me any more than that, I'll develop OHSS (a whole different issue). They'll also be monitoring me much closer than most people because of my reaction to meds.
This is a lot of information to process. Its a lot to try to digest. Its a lot to explain to other people. And its a scary thing to decide to do. IVF does not always work... We're struggling with not focusing on that. This is really our only chance of having a baby of our own.
Most of you have probably heard of the 5 stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. We've gone through these stages 11 times over the past year. Every month we're not pregnant, we experience each and every one of these. Sometimes we process them faster than others, sometimes we experience one stage longer or shorter than the rest. But this time, I'm stuck in the Anger stage... and I have been for over a month. I'm furious. I'm mad that we are going through this. I'm mad that God gave us such a strong longing to be parents, but left us barren. I'm mad that God gives babies to crack whores, but not to us. I'm mad that people keep giving me "advice." If one more person tells me its stress and that I just need to relax, I'm going to scream! You wouldn't tell someone with cancer that its just stress and they need to relax, so why would you tell that to us when we too have a legitimate medical condition? I'm mad that we're being left behind. I'm mad that I've lost friends over this. I'm mad that I distance myself from people with babies, and that people with babies distance themselves from me. I'm just down right angry. I'm angry that I still have hope... I don't want any more false hope. I'm angry that people tell me that if I trusted God more, I'd have a baby. That if I wanted Him as much as I want a child, I'd have a baby (and yes, people have actually said these things to me).
We appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers. We often feel left behind and forgotten, and its comforting to know that there are people out there who care.
We'll keep you posted after out next appointment as to the tentative timing of our IVF.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Another Disappointment
Well I had my mid-cycle ultrasound this past Tuesday. To recap Dr. D recommended doing at least one more IUI and switched me from clomid (which I was very responsive to but had some side effects) to Femara (which I wasn't supposed to have any side effects on).
The symptoms started the first day of Femara. Terrible hot flashes, mood swings, constipation, weight gain, headaches. You name it, I had it! My only source of comfort was the thought that the side effects meant the medication was working.
I only had 1 follicle at my ultrasound. 1! Are you kidding me! I can get one on my own without all the side effects. It was a good size, at 24 and my lining was 14 which is also very good... but I can get those numbers without the "help" of medication.
The nurse didn't do anything to make me feel any better about the situation either. First and foremost, that woman doesn't know how to give a shot to save her life! I spent 2 1/2 years giving injections to people every day... she had NO clue what she was doing. They wanted me to do another trigger shot, but, get this, "It's very possible we'll miss it this time around because you waited to long to come in. So next month you'll want to come in earlier in your cycle"
I WAITED TOO LONG! Are you kidding me!? Dr. D told me to come in on day 13 or 14 for my ultrasound because I don't typically ovulate without the trigger injection until cycle day 17-19. Now the nurse is pretty much telling me that there's not point in doing the IUI because I waited too long. And it wasn't a if this doesn't work, but when it doesn't work.
We debated just not doing the IUI, but figured we might as well since we'd already done all the prep for it (despite the stupid nurse and her inappropriate comments). So the next day we did the IUI.
To continue with the bad news, the Sperm count was down to only a third of what to was last time... which was hardly more than the first IUI which we were told was practically pointless. This was the most painful proceedure yet, with a lot of cramping and even some nausea, which has never happened.
This week hasn't been very good for me. Bob's been amazing; but there's nothing to say. Nothing to do. Our hope was pretty much destroyed before it even had time to begin. We didn't even want to do this IUI, but Dr. D was so confident that we decided to follow his recommendation.
I know it's not right to give up before we even have results, but I'm sick of getting my hopes up only to be I guess I'm choosing to be devastated now instead. I don't want to talk. I don't want to hear anyone say, "Just relax" "Its going to happen" "It's ok, it's not the end of the world."
I've been fully immersing myself in work and putting on a happy facee, but I've given up.... at least for now.
The symptoms started the first day of Femara. Terrible hot flashes, mood swings, constipation, weight gain, headaches. You name it, I had it! My only source of comfort was the thought that the side effects meant the medication was working.
I only had 1 follicle at my ultrasound. 1! Are you kidding me! I can get one on my own without all the side effects. It was a good size, at 24 and my lining was 14 which is also very good... but I can get those numbers without the "help" of medication.
The nurse didn't do anything to make me feel any better about the situation either. First and foremost, that woman doesn't know how to give a shot to save her life! I spent 2 1/2 years giving injections to people every day... she had NO clue what she was doing. They wanted me to do another trigger shot, but, get this, "It's very possible we'll miss it this time around because you waited to long to come in. So next month you'll want to come in earlier in your cycle"
I WAITED TOO LONG! Are you kidding me!? Dr. D told me to come in on day 13 or 14 for my ultrasound because I don't typically ovulate without the trigger injection until cycle day 17-19. Now the nurse is pretty much telling me that there's not point in doing the IUI because I waited too long. And it wasn't a if this doesn't work, but when it doesn't work.
We debated just not doing the IUI, but figured we might as well since we'd already done all the prep for it (despite the stupid nurse and her inappropriate comments). So the next day we did the IUI.
To continue with the bad news, the Sperm count was down to only a third of what to was last time... which was hardly more than the first IUI which we were told was practically pointless. This was the most painful proceedure yet, with a lot of cramping and even some nausea, which has never happened.
This week hasn't been very good for me. Bob's been amazing; but there's nothing to say. Nothing to do. Our hope was pretty much destroyed before it even had time to begin. We didn't even want to do this IUI, but Dr. D was so confident that we decided to follow his recommendation.
I know it's not right to give up before we even have results, but I'm sick of getting my hopes up only to be I guess I'm choosing to be devastated now instead. I don't want to talk. I don't want to hear anyone say, "Just relax" "Its going to happen" "It's ok, it's not the end of the world."
I've been fully immersing myself in work and putting on a happy facee, but I've given up.... at least for now.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
What the Doctor Said
We decided to have a consult with our Doctor before moving forward with any further treatment. Initially, Dr. D wanted us to do 4 IUI's (one "normal" and 3 on clomid). But after two failed IUI's we didn't feel like this was a very effective treatment and wanted to talk with the doctor.
Before meeting with Dr. D, I had to have an ultrasound to check for any residual cysts... and that was all normal. Here's a summary of what he said.
"To be blunt, the first IUI had very little chance for success because the sperm count was much lower than we anticipated. That doesn't mean it couldn't have worked, just that the chances weren't very high. That being said, you've really only had one good IUI. You responded VERY well to the clomid, we almost never see that many follicles on such a low dose. If you were my daughter, I would say you should do one more IUI, maybe two... but if you feel emotionally drained from all of this, we can take a break and start up again in a couple months."
We don't want to stop completely, not yet anyways... but just don't want to continue with something that's ineffective.
"Because you respond so strongly to clomid, you aren't a candidate for Follistim (which is a much more potent medication to produce follicles). You would likely produce more than 8 eggs, and IF successful, would almost certainly end up with at least triplets if not more. But because of the complications and heartaches in pregnancies with high volume multiples, I don't believe this would be a good/safe idea for you. Also, there are more side effects and you run the risk of getting OHSS. I think we should do one more Clomid IUI cycle. If that isn't successful, we have three options.
1. Take a break.
2. Laproscopy to check for endometriosis
3. IVF
"I recommend moving right to the IVF. Even though you have some family history of endometriosis, you don't have any signs or symptoms. The biggest indicators for endometriosis are if your periods are getting progressively more painful or heavy (which mine haven't... they've actually gotten better over the last 5 years.) Also, laproscopy is more invasive, and it costs as much as IVF. In looking at it from a cost basis, you have 0% chance of coming out of laproscopy pregnant, but you have 55% chance coming out of IVF pregnant. If an IVF is unsuccessful, we could then decide if we want to try a second one, or do laproscopy."
Dr. D was incredible kind through this conversation... the way I've written it probably comes across as him being stiff and insensitive.. but he was the complete opposite! He kept saying, "it's up to you, but I really believe this would be your best option.... this is what I would tell my daughter to do."
I asked about the possibility of doing ZIFT, but he said the success rates are much higher for IVF than for ZIFT. The only reason he does ZIFT anymore is if he can't implant into the uterus for some reason. After a little more discussion with Dr. D, we decided to do one more IUI and once that's finished, we'll make the next decision. He did switch me from Clomid to Femara. I was having hot flashes, constipation, and bloating on the clomid.... I gained 7 pounds from the clomid alone, add that to the 4-5 I gained from the progesterone the cycle before... and my clothes definitely don't fit!
Dr. D said that I wouldn't have any side effects from the Femara, and probably wouldn't produce quite as many follicles as on the Clomid, but it would still be effective.
Femara is terrible! I only have to be on it for 5 days, today is day 4 and I've had terrible hot flashes, headaches, mood swings, and I haven't been able to sleep at all. Thank goodness I only have to take it tonight and tomorrow night and then I'll be done!
We don't have a date set for our IUI, it all depends on what my ultrasound shows next week.
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers... they're needed and much appreciated.
Before meeting with Dr. D, I had to have an ultrasound to check for any residual cysts... and that was all normal. Here's a summary of what he said.
"To be blunt, the first IUI had very little chance for success because the sperm count was much lower than we anticipated. That doesn't mean it couldn't have worked, just that the chances weren't very high. That being said, you've really only had one good IUI. You responded VERY well to the clomid, we almost never see that many follicles on such a low dose. If you were my daughter, I would say you should do one more IUI, maybe two... but if you feel emotionally drained from all of this, we can take a break and start up again in a couple months."
We don't want to stop completely, not yet anyways... but just don't want to continue with something that's ineffective.
"Because you respond so strongly to clomid, you aren't a candidate for Follistim (which is a much more potent medication to produce follicles). You would likely produce more than 8 eggs, and IF successful, would almost certainly end up with at least triplets if not more. But because of the complications and heartaches in pregnancies with high volume multiples, I don't believe this would be a good/safe idea for you. Also, there are more side effects and you run the risk of getting OHSS. I think we should do one more Clomid IUI cycle. If that isn't successful, we have three options.
1. Take a break.
2. Laproscopy to check for endometriosis
3. IVF
"I recommend moving right to the IVF. Even though you have some family history of endometriosis, you don't have any signs or symptoms. The biggest indicators for endometriosis are if your periods are getting progressively more painful or heavy (which mine haven't... they've actually gotten better over the last 5 years.) Also, laproscopy is more invasive, and it costs as much as IVF. In looking at it from a cost basis, you have 0% chance of coming out of laproscopy pregnant, but you have 55% chance coming out of IVF pregnant. If an IVF is unsuccessful, we could then decide if we want to try a second one, or do laproscopy."
Dr. D was incredible kind through this conversation... the way I've written it probably comes across as him being stiff and insensitive.. but he was the complete opposite! He kept saying, "it's up to you, but I really believe this would be your best option.... this is what I would tell my daughter to do."
I asked about the possibility of doing ZIFT, but he said the success rates are much higher for IVF than for ZIFT. The only reason he does ZIFT anymore is if he can't implant into the uterus for some reason. After a little more discussion with Dr. D, we decided to do one more IUI and once that's finished, we'll make the next decision. He did switch me from Clomid to Femara. I was having hot flashes, constipation, and bloating on the clomid.... I gained 7 pounds from the clomid alone, add that to the 4-5 I gained from the progesterone the cycle before... and my clothes definitely don't fit!
Dr. D said that I wouldn't have any side effects from the Femara, and probably wouldn't produce quite as many follicles as on the Clomid, but it would still be effective.
Femara is terrible! I only have to be on it for 5 days, today is day 4 and I've had terrible hot flashes, headaches, mood swings, and I haven't been able to sleep at all. Thank goodness I only have to take it tonight and tomorrow night and then I'll be done!
We don't have a date set for our IUI, it all depends on what my ultrasound shows next week.
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers... they're needed and much appreciated.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
No Rest for the Weary... No Hope for the Hopeless
I've started this post three times and keep deleting what I write. I don't know what to say.
2 months ago, Bob and I decided to move forward with infertility treatment. In May we did our first IUI. It was a natural cycle, except for a trigger injection to induce ovulation (I was already on day 18 and hadn't ovulated on my own yet). With one beautiful follicle at 22mm the RE, nurses, and us were all hopefull that this would be our first, last and only fertility treatment. BFN. It didn't work. I was on progesterone supplements and after day 45 of my cylce, a negative home pregnancy test, and negative HCG blood test, AF arrived.
Time to start IUI #2.
This time Dr. D had me on Clomid 50mg and I was told that progesterone wasn't necessary because the Clomid would correct the boarderline progesterone levels. When I went in for my mid-cycle ultrasound, they saw that I had 6 follicles! 4 mature, and the other 2 had the potential to be mature by the time I ovulated. (6 is huge! They hope for 2, possibly 3, especially on the lower dose of Clomid). The sperm count was 5 times higher for the second IUI than it was for the first! I had to have counceling to make sure I was aware that we were "at risk for high volume multiples!" and had to have the Dr give the ok to move forward with this number of follicles (which he did). We also did another trigger injection to control the timing of ovulation for the IUI.
We were so hopefully..... If only miracles were based on numbers.
It didn't work. And I just found out.........
We're tired. We're defeated.
I can't do this again.....We don't know what to do.
2 months ago, Bob and I decided to move forward with infertility treatment. In May we did our first IUI. It was a natural cycle, except for a trigger injection to induce ovulation (I was already on day 18 and hadn't ovulated on my own yet). With one beautiful follicle at 22mm the RE, nurses, and us were all hopefull that this would be our first, last and only fertility treatment. BFN. It didn't work. I was on progesterone supplements and after day 45 of my cylce, a negative home pregnancy test, and negative HCG blood test, AF arrived.
Time to start IUI #2.
This time Dr. D had me on Clomid 50mg and I was told that progesterone wasn't necessary because the Clomid would correct the boarderline progesterone levels. When I went in for my mid-cycle ultrasound, they saw that I had 6 follicles! 4 mature, and the other 2 had the potential to be mature by the time I ovulated. (6 is huge! They hope for 2, possibly 3, especially on the lower dose of Clomid). The sperm count was 5 times higher for the second IUI than it was for the first! I had to have counceling to make sure I was aware that we were "at risk for high volume multiples!" and had to have the Dr give the ok to move forward with this number of follicles (which he did). We also did another trigger injection to control the timing of ovulation for the IUI.
We were so hopefully..... If only miracles were based on numbers.
It didn't work. And I just found out.........
We're tired. We're defeated.
I can't do this again.....We don't know what to do.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
No News
You know the old expression "No news is good news" I disagree. I'd rather have something than nothing. We are stuck in a place of limbo.... not moving forward, backward, or even sideways. We are in a place of waiting, and the worst part is, we have no idea when, or if, it will ever end. We daily pray that God would give us joy in our circumstances, but that doesn't take away the longing or the hurt.
I thought having a baby was supposed to be stressful for a marriage, not trying to conceive a baby. We're tired and drained.. physically, mentally, and emotionally, which leads to short fuses and an overall sense of grumpiness. We'd appreciate prayers for the health of our marriage. I love my husband even more now than the day I married him, and I know he feels the same. I don't want to give you all the wrong idea; we're not spending hours every day fighting or angry at each other. We're just so exhausted that we have little energy to put in to our marriage.
We had an incredible weekend though!! We went up to Traverse City with our wonderful friends Mike and Beth. They have been such an amazing support system to us and so encouraging and loving! And they have two beautiful girls that they've graciously shared with us :) It was amazing being able to get away from the normalicy of everyday life. We went shopping, the boys went on a motorcycle ride while Beth and I laid out on the beach, wine tasting, swimming, hot tubing, ate tons of unhealthy food... it was fabulous!!
No worries about taking medication, giving injections, eating this, don't drink that.... it was the first time in months where we were truly able to relax and enjoy each other. It was the first time in months were I didn't think about having/wanting a baby. It was exactly what we needed!
Here are some pictures of our adventure!
The view from the balcony of our hotel room!
My wonderful friend Beth and me! I love her!!!
Bob and me on our hotel balcony. For those of you who don't know, Bob really likes "Indiana Jones'" hats. :)
Mike and Beth. Aren't they adorable!
Beach Day! Beth took this picture of her feet in the sand, her sunglasses, magazine, and glass of wine to show what a perfect day it really was!
The Boys "swimming." This was as deep as they went because the water was cold! Please note, we clearly don't get out in the sun very often...
Shopping downtown Traverse!
Best View of the Sunset!!
Me and my hubby at The Blue Tractor for Lunch
We stopped at Moomers Ice Cream on the way home. If you're ever in Traverse City, you have to go here!!! Its about 6 miles outside of town, but so worth it!! They have the best icecream I've ever eaten, and I am an icecream expert!!!
And its good because its made fresh everyday! Literally! The icecream place is on a dairy farm!!
Mike and Bob rode their motorcycles to and from Traverse City. There's an amazing highway, M-22 that's fabulous for motorcycle rides!
And these are the two beautiful little ladies that were waiting for us when we got home! They are so precious!!!
I thought having a baby was supposed to be stressful for a marriage, not trying to conceive a baby. We're tired and drained.. physically, mentally, and emotionally, which leads to short fuses and an overall sense of grumpiness. We'd appreciate prayers for the health of our marriage. I love my husband even more now than the day I married him, and I know he feels the same. I don't want to give you all the wrong idea; we're not spending hours every day fighting or angry at each other. We're just so exhausted that we have little energy to put in to our marriage.
We had an incredible weekend though!! We went up to Traverse City with our wonderful friends Mike and Beth. They have been such an amazing support system to us and so encouraging and loving! And they have two beautiful girls that they've graciously shared with us :) It was amazing being able to get away from the normalicy of everyday life. We went shopping, the boys went on a motorcycle ride while Beth and I laid out on the beach, wine tasting, swimming, hot tubing, ate tons of unhealthy food... it was fabulous!!
No worries about taking medication, giving injections, eating this, don't drink that.... it was the first time in months where we were truly able to relax and enjoy each other. It was the first time in months were I didn't think about having/wanting a baby. It was exactly what we needed!
Here are some pictures of our adventure!
The view from the balcony of our hotel room!
Bob and me on our hotel balcony. For those of you who don't know, Bob really likes "Indiana Jones'" hats. :)

Beach Day! Beth took this picture of her feet in the sand, her sunglasses, magazine, and glass of wine to show what a perfect day it really was!
The Boys "swimming." This was as deep as they went because the water was cold! Please note, we clearly don't get out in the sun very often...
Shopping downtown Traverse!
Best View of the Sunset!!
Me and my hubby at The Blue Tractor for Lunch
We stopped at Moomers Ice Cream on the way home. If you're ever in Traverse City, you have to go here!!! Its about 6 miles outside of town, but so worth it!! They have the best icecream I've ever eaten, and I am an icecream expert!!!
And its good because its made fresh everyday! Literally! The icecream place is on a dairy farm!!
Mike and Bob rode their motorcycles to and from Traverse City. There's an amazing highway, M-22 that's fabulous for motorcycle rides!
And these are the two beautiful little ladies that were waiting for us when we got home! They are so precious!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
What We Thought Would Be
10 months. That's how long it's been since we starting ttc. That's how many months we've mourned, yelled, cried, and hoped even when we didn't want to. 10 months ago I told myself, "next summer I'll have a baby! Next June I'll get to hold my baby in my arms."
Little did I know that "next June" (which happens to be only days away) would not only yeild empty arms, but also an empty womb, and an even emptier heart.
I know Jesus is holding us, but it'd be nice to feel it in a physical sense. Right now there only seems to be emptiness and hurt.
We could use a little hope right now.
Little did I know that "next June" (which happens to be only days away) would not only yeild empty arms, but also an empty womb, and an even emptier heart.
I know Jesus is holding us, but it'd be nice to feel it in a physical sense. Right now there only seems to be emptiness and hurt.
We could use a little hope right now.
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Results Are In!
I met with the NP at my OB/GYN office yesterday afternoon and was told its just fibrocystic tissue! (In her words, I have cauliflower boobs :) The lump I found and the pain are just the tissue that I already have being stretched and exacerbated by the hormones.
I have to go back in in 3-4 weeks for a recheck just to make sure there's no change. But I'm so relieved, that I would go back as many times as neccessary :)
Thank you for your prayers!!
I have to go back in in 3-4 weeks for a recheck just to make sure there's no change. But I'm so relieved, that I would go back as many times as neccessary :)
Thank you for your prayers!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Another Hurdle
I think I've breifly touched on this before, but Dr. D thinks I may have a progesterone deficiency (which could be a reason for infertility). So, he put me on progesterone supplements.
Like any hormone, with progesterone there are a plethora of side effects... all of which I seem to be expericing (For those of you who've seen me recently, yes, this is why I have the face of a 14 year old.... my acne is terrible from this medicine!!)
This morning, I though, I found a lump. I called my RE and they told me to contact my OB/GYN. I have to go in for an appointment tomorrow.
I know this is putting the cart way before the horse; but, if it ends up being more than just fibrous tissue, I'll most likely have to stop all progesterone... forever. Which then means that my progesterone deficiency won't be fixed; which means I won't be able to have a viable pregnancy.
We'd really appreciate your prayers on this. I feel like we keep getting beaten down again and again.
Like any hormone, with progesterone there are a plethora of side effects... all of which I seem to be expericing (For those of you who've seen me recently, yes, this is why I have the face of a 14 year old.... my acne is terrible from this medicine!!)
This morning, I though, I found a lump. I called my RE and they told me to contact my OB/GYN. I have to go in for an appointment tomorrow.
I know this is putting the cart way before the horse; but, if it ends up being more than just fibrous tissue, I'll most likely have to stop all progesterone... forever. Which then means that my progesterone deficiency won't be fixed; which means I won't be able to have a viable pregnancy.
We'd really appreciate your prayers on this. I feel like we keep getting beaten down again and again.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Counting My Blessings
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your blessings!! They are more numerous than I can begin to count! Thank you for my husband; my best friend, my partner, and my love. Thank you for my family; their love, encouragement, and support. Thank you for my friends; their prayers, laughter, and hugs. Thank you for "our girls." that their parents have shared them with us. That we get to love them as if they were our own. Thank you for sunshine and rain; for coffee and chocolate. For the breeze blowing through the trees. For your provision; that we've never lacked for anything; that You have always provided for our needs. For sending your Son to die to me! For being in control; for having a plan and a purpose for our lives. For the struggles You bring us through because they draw us closer to You. Thank You for breaking us. For showing us the truth and loving us even though we are unlovable. You've blessed me in more ways that I can count. And You are more than enough!
This song is from one of my all time favorite movies. It reminds to remember all the blessings I already have.
Thank You for Your blessings!! They are more numerous than I can begin to count! Thank you for my husband; my best friend, my partner, and my love. Thank you for my family; their love, encouragement, and support. Thank you for my friends; their prayers, laughter, and hugs. Thank you for "our girls." that their parents have shared them with us. That we get to love them as if they were our own. Thank you for sunshine and rain; for coffee and chocolate. For the breeze blowing through the trees. For your provision; that we've never lacked for anything; that You have always provided for our needs. For sending your Son to die to me! For being in control; for having a plan and a purpose for our lives. For the struggles You bring us through because they draw us closer to You. Thank You for breaking us. For showing us the truth and loving us even though we are unlovable. You've blessed me in more ways that I can count. And You are more than enough!
This song is from one of my all time favorite movies. It reminds to remember all the blessings I already have.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Bad Days
Today was one of those bad days where everything goes from great to awful.
It started out fine. I had breakfast with a dear friend that I don't get to see very often. And by breakfast I mean we talked from 9:30am until 1:15pm! Clearly we had a lot to catch up on. It was a very encouraging conversation, and she's able to relate to some of my feelings, which is definitely helpful.
We also booked our vacation for Disney World! B and I went there on our honeymoon back in May and again with his family in January and are now going again in September... we're slightly addicted. This time will be even more exciting though as we're bringing our best friends and their adorable daughters (who are currently 2 and 8 months). We know they won't remember the trip, but the memories are more for us. :)
Then things went downhill.... I got the mail this morning and amongst all the junk was a rejection letter from a credit card company. I had applied for a Disney rewards card thinking we could take advantage of some of the perks on our upcoming trip... obviously not! The rejection letter said that I didn't have enough credit history for them to approve my application.
Basically, because B and I have always tried to budget and be aware of how we spend our money (which started long before we even knew each other) we haven't been able to build any credit. We don't borrow money, only use cash/debit cards, and therefore, have no credit. So, once again, by trying to do things the right way, we get screwed!
This then had a snowball effect. I proceeded to start yelling (and even throwing a few things) because I was convinced that no matter how hard we try to do things right, or follow God's teaching, we'll never succeed.
By not going into debt or taking out loans, we have no credit. By not having credit, we'll have to wait even longer to buy a house. By not having a house, we'll outgrow our apartment... Oh wait!! No we won't because we don't have any children! And the way it feels in this moment we never will.
Which brings me to the next phase of my hormonal and overtired rant: Why did we even bother to save ourselves for marriage? Why didn't we just do things like everyone else? They all get to be parents... and yet, we tried to follow God's design for marriage and we can't get pregnant. We've already spent over $2200 on appointments and tests and prescriptions and we aren't any closer to having a baby than we were before we got married.
I know life isn't fair, I know God has a plan in all of this. Ever since starting this blog, I've tried to word things in a way that isn't hurtful or bitter, but, this is my blog, and I'm going to write about how I feel.
I'm tired of being around immature, self-centered parents. I'm tired of standing in line at the grocery store with a mom screaming at her kids in front of me and another mom ignoring her children in line behind me. I'm tired of seeing pregnant 16 year olds. I'm tired of having people complain about their children to me. I'm tired of parents who are always pushing their children on to the next stage, rather than treasuring the precious time they have with their baby. I'm tired of people saying things like, "It must be nice to sleep in on Saturday." and "I wish I could go on vacation."
I would trade all the money, all the cars, all the vacations, all the sleep in the world to be able to hold my own baby in my arms. To stay up with my crying baby when he's sick. To change my clothes three times a day because she keeps throwing up on me. To go a week without showering because my baby wants me to hold him.
DO NOT complain to me about your baby. Would you give up your baby FOREVER just for a weekend in Traverse City? Or a new car? Or a extra hour of sleep every night? No, you wouldn't. Those are things. A baby is a life; a precious gift that will forever belong to you. So don't you dare tell me you wish you had something I have. How dare you insult me and make me feel bad when you have the one thing.. the only thing I've every wanted in this life.
It started out fine. I had breakfast with a dear friend that I don't get to see very often. And by breakfast I mean we talked from 9:30am until 1:15pm! Clearly we had a lot to catch up on. It was a very encouraging conversation, and she's able to relate to some of my feelings, which is definitely helpful.
We also booked our vacation for Disney World! B and I went there on our honeymoon back in May and again with his family in January and are now going again in September... we're slightly addicted. This time will be even more exciting though as we're bringing our best friends and their adorable daughters (who are currently 2 and 8 months). We know they won't remember the trip, but the memories are more for us. :)
Then things went downhill.... I got the mail this morning and amongst all the junk was a rejection letter from a credit card company. I had applied for a Disney rewards card thinking we could take advantage of some of the perks on our upcoming trip... obviously not! The rejection letter said that I didn't have enough credit history for them to approve my application.
Basically, because B and I have always tried to budget and be aware of how we spend our money (which started long before we even knew each other) we haven't been able to build any credit. We don't borrow money, only use cash/debit cards, and therefore, have no credit. So, once again, by trying to do things the right way, we get screwed!
This then had a snowball effect. I proceeded to start yelling (and even throwing a few things) because I was convinced that no matter how hard we try to do things right, or follow God's teaching, we'll never succeed.
By not going into debt or taking out loans, we have no credit. By not having credit, we'll have to wait even longer to buy a house. By not having a house, we'll outgrow our apartment... Oh wait!! No we won't because we don't have any children! And the way it feels in this moment we never will.
Which brings me to the next phase of my hormonal and overtired rant: Why did we even bother to save ourselves for marriage? Why didn't we just do things like everyone else? They all get to be parents... and yet, we tried to follow God's design for marriage and we can't get pregnant. We've already spent over $2200 on appointments and tests and prescriptions and we aren't any closer to having a baby than we were before we got married.
I know life isn't fair, I know God has a plan in all of this. Ever since starting this blog, I've tried to word things in a way that isn't hurtful or bitter, but, this is my blog, and I'm going to write about how I feel.
I'm tired of being around immature, self-centered parents. I'm tired of standing in line at the grocery store with a mom screaming at her kids in front of me and another mom ignoring her children in line behind me. I'm tired of seeing pregnant 16 year olds. I'm tired of having people complain about their children to me. I'm tired of parents who are always pushing their children on to the next stage, rather than treasuring the precious time they have with their baby. I'm tired of people saying things like, "It must be nice to sleep in on Saturday." and "I wish I could go on vacation."
I would trade all the money, all the cars, all the vacations, all the sleep in the world to be able to hold my own baby in my arms. To stay up with my crying baby when he's sick. To change my clothes three times a day because she keeps throwing up on me. To go a week without showering because my baby wants me to hold him.
DO NOT complain to me about your baby. Would you give up your baby FOREVER just for a weekend in Traverse City? Or a new car? Or a extra hour of sleep every night? No, you wouldn't. Those are things. A baby is a life; a precious gift that will forever belong to you. So don't you dare tell me you wish you had something I have. How dare you insult me and make me feel bad when you have the one thing.. the only thing I've every wanted in this life.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
what NOT to say
Tomorrow marks an important day for B and me. One year ago from tomorrow, I made a promise to my best friend; to love, respect, and honor him, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.
Over the last year, we've had times of struggle and times of joy; we've experienced anger, but a lot more joy; and we've experience sickness and health. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the amazing man God brought into my life. B was perfectly created for me and I wouldn't change any of the experiences we've had together because those experiences, whether full of joy or pain, have made us into who we are.
Tomorrow is also Mother's Day. A day where I will be reminded, again, that I am not a mother. While I still have so many reasons to be thankful, tomorrow will be bitter sweet for me. When I get to church and they ask if I need a flower... I'll have to say no.
Recently, I had a friend tell me she wasn't really sure what she was allowed to say to me. At first I was kind of annoyed... but as I thought about it I realized that was a fair way to feel. She wants to be able to feel for me and talk to me about what I'm going through, but is so afraid of offending or hurting me that she's scared to say anything at all. I found this a while back on a blog that I follow and thought I'd repost it here. I hope this helps explain how certain comments can be, unintentially, hurtful to people dealing with infertility. And I did just copy and paste this, not write it myself.
Chances are, you know someone who is struggling with infertility. More than seven million people of childbearing age in the United States experience infertility. Yet, as a society, we are woefully uninformed about how to best provide emotional support for our loved ones during this painful time.
Infertility is, indeed, a very painful struggle. The pain is similar to the grief over losing a loved one, but it is unique because it is a recurring grief. When a loved one dies, he isn't coming back. There is no hope that he will come back from the dead. You must work through the stages of grief, accept that you will never see this person again, and move on with your life.
The grief of infertility is not so cut and dry. Infertile people grieve the loss of the baby that they may never know. They grieve the loss of that baby who would have had mommy's nose and daddy's eyes. But, each month, there is the hope that maybe that baby will be conceived after all. No matter how hard they try to prepare themselves for bad news, they still hope that this month will be different. Then, the bad news comes again, and the grief washes over the infertile couple anew. This process happens month after month, year after year. It is like having a deep cut that keeps getting opened right when it starts to heal.
As the couple moves into infertility treatments, the pain increases while the bank account depletes. The tests are invasive and embarrassing to both parties, and you feel like the doctor has taken over your bedroom. And for all of this discomfort, you pay a lot of money.
A couple will eventually resolve the infertility problem in one of three ways:
Reaching a resolution can take years, so your infertile loved ones need your emotional support during this journey. Most people don't know what to say, so they wind up saying the wrong thing, which only makes the journey so much harder for their loved ones. Knowing what not to say is half of the battle to providing support.
Don't Tell Them to Relax
Everyone knows someone who had trouble conceiving but then finally became pregnant once she "relaxed." Couples who are able to conceive after a few months of "relaxing" are not infertile. By definition, a couple is not diagnosed as "infertile" until they have tried unsuccessfully to become pregnant for a full year. In fact, most infertility specialists will not treat a couple for infertility until they have tried to become pregnant for a year. This year weeds out the people who aren't infertile but just need to "relax." Those that remain are truly infertile.
Comments such as "just relax" or "try going on a cruise" create even more stress for the infertile couple, particularly the woman. The woman feels like she is doing something wrong when, in fact, there is a good chance that there is a physical problem preventing her from becoming pregnant.
These comments can also reach the point of absurdity. As a couple, my husband and I underwent two surgeries, numerous inseminations, hormone treatments, and four years of poking and prodding by doctors. Yet, people still continued to say things like, "If you just relaxed on a cruise . . ." Infertility is a diagnosable medical problem that must be treated by a doctor, and even with treatment, many couples will NEVER successfully conceive a child. Relaxation itself does not cure medical infertility.
Don't Minimize the Problem
Failure to conceive a baby is a very painful journey. Infertile couples are surrounded by families with children. These couples watch their friends give birth to two or three children, and they watch those children grow while the couple goes home to the silence of an empty house. These couples see all of the joy that a child brings into someone's life, and they feel the emptiness of not being able to experience the same joy.
Comments like, "Just enjoy being able to sleep late . . . .travel . . etc.," do not offer comfort. Instead, these comments make infertile people feel like you are minimizing their pain. You wouldn't tell somebody whose parent just died to be thankful that he no longer has to buy Father's Day or Mother's Day cards. Losing that one obligation doesn't even begin to compensate for the incredible loss of losing a parent. In the same vein, being able to sleep late or travel does not provide comfort to somebody who desperately wants a child.
Don't Say There Are Worse Things That Could Happen
Along the same lines, don't tell your friend that there are worse things that she could be going through. Who is the final authority on what is the "worst" thing that could happen to someone? Is it going through a divorce? Watching a loved one die? Getting raped? Losing a job?
Different people react to different life experiences in different ways. To someone who has trained his whole life for the Olympics, the "worst" thing might be experiencing an injury the week before the event. To someone who has walked away from her career to become a stay-at-home wife for 40 years, watching her husband leave her for a younger woman might be the "worst" thing. And, to a woman whose sole goal in life has been to love and nurture a child, infertility may indeed be the "worst" thing that could happen.
People wouldn't dream of telling someone whose parent just died, "It could be worse: both of your parents could be dead." Such a comment would be considered cruel rather than comforting. In the same vein, don't tell your friend that she could be going through worse things than infertility.
Don't Ask Why They Aren't Trying IVF
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a method in which the woman harvests multiple eggs, which are then combined with the man's sperm in a petri dish. This is the method that can produce multiple births. People frequently ask, "Why don't you just try IVF?" in the same casual tone they would use to ask, "Why don't you try shopping at another store?"
Don't Be Crude
It is appalling that I even have to include this paragraph, but some of you need to hear this-Don't make crude jokes about your friend's vulnerable position. Crude comments like "I'll donate the sperm" or "Make sure the doctor uses your sperm for the insemination" are not funny, and they only irritate your friends.
Don't Complain About Your Pregnancy
This message is for pregnant women-Just being around you is painful for your infertile friends. Seeing your belly grow is a constant reminder of what your infertile friend cannot have. Unless an infertile women plans to spend her life in a cave, she has to find a way to interact with pregnant women. However, there are things you can do as her friend to make it easier.
The number one rule is DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR PREGNANCY. I understand from my friends that, when you are pregnant, your hormones are going crazy and you experience a lot of discomfort, such as queasiness, stretch marks, and fatigue. You have every right to vent about the discomforts to any one else in your life, but don't put your infertile friend in the position of comforting you.
Your infertile friend would give anything to experience the discomforts you are enduring because those discomforts come from a baby growing inside of you. When I heard a pregnant woman complain about morning sickness, I would think, "I'd gladly throw up for nine straight months if it meant I could have a baby." When a pregnant woman would complain about her weight gain, I would think, "I would cut off my arm if I could be in your shoes."
I managed to go to baby showers and hospitals to welcome my friends' new babies, but it was hard. Without exception, it was hard. Stay sensitive to your infertile friend's emotions, and give her the leeway that she needs to be happy for you while she cries for herself. If she can't bring herself to hold your new baby, give her time. She isn't rejecting you or your new baby; she is just trying to work her way through her pain to show sincere joy for you. The fact that she is willing to endure such pain in order to celebrate your new baby with you speaks volumes about how much your friendship means to her.
Don't Treat Them Like They Are Ignorant
For some reason, some people seem to think that infertility causes a person to become unrealistic about the responsibilities of parenthood. I don't follow the logic, but several people told me that I wouldn't ache for a baby so much if I appreciated how much responsibility was involved in parenting.
Let's face it-no one can fully appreciate the responsibilities involved in parenting until they are, themselves, parents. That is true whether you successfully conceived after one month or after 10 years. The length of time you spend waiting for that baby does not factor in to your appreciation of responsibility. If anything, people who have been trying to become pregnant longer have had more time to think about those responsibilities. They have also probably been around lots of babies as their friends started their families.
Perhaps part of what fuels this perception is that infertile couples have a longer time to "dream" about what being a parent will be like. Like every other couple, we have our fantasies-my child will sleep through the night, would never have a tantrum in public, and will always eat his vegetables. Let us have our fantasies. Those fantasies are some of the few parent-to-be perks that we have-let us have them. You can give us your knowing looks when we discover the truth later.
Don't Gossip About Your Friend's Condition
Infertility treatments are very private and embarrassing, which is why many couples choose to undergo these treatments in secret. Men especially are very sensitive to letting people know about infertility testing, such as sperm counts. Gossiping about infertility is not usually done in a malicious manner. The gossipers are usually well-meaning people who are only trying to find out more about infertility so they can help their loved ones.
Regardless of why you are sharing this information with someone else, it hurts and embarrasses your friend to find out that Madge the bank teller knows what your husband's sperm count is and when your next period is expected. Infertility is something that should be kept as private as your friend wants to keep it. Respect your friend's privacy, and don't share any information that your friend hasn't authorized.
Don't Push Adoption (Yet)
Adoption is a wonderful way for infertile people to become parents. (As an adoptive parent, I can fully vouch for this!!) However, the couple needs to work through many issues before they will be ready to make an adoption decision. Before they can make the decision to love a "stranger's baby," they must first grieve the loss of that baby with Daddy's eyes and Mommy's nose. Adoption social workers recognize the importance of the grieving process. When my husband and I went for our initial adoption interview, we expected the first question to be, "Why do you want to adopt a baby?" Instead, the question was, "Have you grieved the loss of your biological child yet?" Our social worker emphasized how important it is to shut one door before you open another.
You do, indeed, need to grieve this loss before you are ready to start the adoption process. The adoption process is very long and expensive, and it is not an easy road. So, the couple needs to be very sure that they can let go of the hope of a biological child and that they can love an adopted baby. This takes time, and some couples are never able to reach this point. If your friend cannot love a baby that isn't her "own," then adoption isn't the right decision for her, and it is certainly not what is best for the baby.
Mentioning adoption in passing can be a comfort to some couples. (The only words that ever offered me comfort were from my sister, who said, "Whether through pregnancy or adoption, you will be a mother one day.") However, "pushing" the issue can frustrate your friend. So, mention the idea in passing if it seems appropriate, and then drop it. When your friend is ready to talk about adoption, she will raise the issue herself.
So, what can you say to your infertile friends? Unless you say "I am giving you this baby," there is nothing you can say that will erase their pain. So, take that pressure off of yourself. It isn't your job to erase their pain, but there is a lot you can do to lesson the load. Here are a few ideas.
Let Them Know That You Care
The best thing you can do is let your infertile friends know that you care. Send them cards. Let them cry on your shoulder. If they are religious, let them know you are praying for them. Offer the same support you would offer a friend who has lost a loved one. Just knowing they can count on you to be there for them lightens the load and lets them know that they aren't going through this alone.
Remember Them on Mother's Day
With all of the activity on Mother's Day, people tend to forget about women who cannot become mothers. Mother's Day is an incredibly painful time for infertile women. You cannot get away from it-There are ads on the TV, posters at the stores, church sermons devoted to celebrating motherhood, and all of the plans for celebrating with your own mother and mother-in-law.
Mother's Day is an important celebration and one that I relish now that I am a mother. However, it was very painful while I was waiting for my baby. Remember your infertile friends on Mother's Day, and send them a card to let them know you are thinking of them. They will appreciate knowing that you haven't "forgotten" them.
Support Their Decision to Stop Treatments
No couple can endure infertility treatments forever. At some point, they will stop. This is an agonizing decision to make, and it involves even more grief. Even if the couple chooses to adopt a baby, they must still first grieve the loss of that baby who would have had mommy's nose and daddy's eyes.
Once the couple has made the decision to stop treatments, support their decision. Don't encourage them to try again, and don't discourage them from adopting, if that is their choice. Once the couple has reached resolution (whether to live without children, adopt a child, or become foster parents), they can finally put that chapter of their lives behind them. Don't try to open that chapter again.
Over the last year, we've had times of struggle and times of joy; we've experienced anger, but a lot more joy; and we've experience sickness and health. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the amazing man God brought into my life. B was perfectly created for me and I wouldn't change any of the experiences we've had together because those experiences, whether full of joy or pain, have made us into who we are.
Tomorrow is also Mother's Day. A day where I will be reminded, again, that I am not a mother. While I still have so many reasons to be thankful, tomorrow will be bitter sweet for me. When I get to church and they ask if I need a flower... I'll have to say no.
Recently, I had a friend tell me she wasn't really sure what she was allowed to say to me. At first I was kind of annoyed... but as I thought about it I realized that was a fair way to feel. She wants to be able to feel for me and talk to me about what I'm going through, but is so afraid of offending or hurting me that she's scared to say anything at all. I found this a while back on a blog that I follow and thought I'd repost it here. I hope this helps explain how certain comments can be, unintentially, hurtful to people dealing with infertility. And I did just copy and paste this, not write it myself.
Chances are, you know someone who is struggling with infertility. More than seven million people of childbearing age in the United States experience infertility. Yet, as a society, we are woefully uninformed about how to best provide emotional support for our loved ones during this painful time.
Infertility is, indeed, a very painful struggle. The pain is similar to the grief over losing a loved one, but it is unique because it is a recurring grief. When a loved one dies, he isn't coming back. There is no hope that he will come back from the dead. You must work through the stages of grief, accept that you will never see this person again, and move on with your life.
The grief of infertility is not so cut and dry. Infertile people grieve the loss of the baby that they may never know. They grieve the loss of that baby who would have had mommy's nose and daddy's eyes. But, each month, there is the hope that maybe that baby will be conceived after all. No matter how hard they try to prepare themselves for bad news, they still hope that this month will be different. Then, the bad news comes again, and the grief washes over the infertile couple anew. This process happens month after month, year after year. It is like having a deep cut that keeps getting opened right when it starts to heal.
As the couple moves into infertility treatments, the pain increases while the bank account depletes. The tests are invasive and embarrassing to both parties, and you feel like the doctor has taken over your bedroom. And for all of this discomfort, you pay a lot of money.
A couple will eventually resolve the infertility problem in one of three ways:
They will eventually
conceive a baby.
They will stop the
infertility treatments and choose to live without children.
They will find an
alternative way to parent, such as by adopting a child or becoming a foster
Reaching a resolution can take years, so your infertile loved ones need your emotional support during this journey. Most people don't know what to say, so they wind up saying the wrong thing, which only makes the journey so much harder for their loved ones. Knowing what not to say is half of the battle to providing support.
Don't Tell Them to Relax
Everyone knows someone who had trouble conceiving but then finally became pregnant once she "relaxed." Couples who are able to conceive after a few months of "relaxing" are not infertile. By definition, a couple is not diagnosed as "infertile" until they have tried unsuccessfully to become pregnant for a full year. In fact, most infertility specialists will not treat a couple for infertility until they have tried to become pregnant for a year. This year weeds out the people who aren't infertile but just need to "relax." Those that remain are truly infertile.
Comments such as "just relax" or "try going on a cruise" create even more stress for the infertile couple, particularly the woman. The woman feels like she is doing something wrong when, in fact, there is a good chance that there is a physical problem preventing her from becoming pregnant.
These comments can also reach the point of absurdity. As a couple, my husband and I underwent two surgeries, numerous inseminations, hormone treatments, and four years of poking and prodding by doctors. Yet, people still continued to say things like, "If you just relaxed on a cruise . . ." Infertility is a diagnosable medical problem that must be treated by a doctor, and even with treatment, many couples will NEVER successfully conceive a child. Relaxation itself does not cure medical infertility.
Don't Minimize the Problem
Failure to conceive a baby is a very painful journey. Infertile couples are surrounded by families with children. These couples watch their friends give birth to two or three children, and they watch those children grow while the couple goes home to the silence of an empty house. These couples see all of the joy that a child brings into someone's life, and they feel the emptiness of not being able to experience the same joy.
Comments like, "Just enjoy being able to sleep late . . . .travel . . etc.," do not offer comfort. Instead, these comments make infertile people feel like you are minimizing their pain. You wouldn't tell somebody whose parent just died to be thankful that he no longer has to buy Father's Day or Mother's Day cards. Losing that one obligation doesn't even begin to compensate for the incredible loss of losing a parent. In the same vein, being able to sleep late or travel does not provide comfort to somebody who desperately wants a child.
Don't Say There Are Worse Things That Could Happen
Along the same lines, don't tell your friend that there are worse things that she could be going through. Who is the final authority on what is the "worst" thing that could happen to someone? Is it going through a divorce? Watching a loved one die? Getting raped? Losing a job?
Different people react to different life experiences in different ways. To someone who has trained his whole life for the Olympics, the "worst" thing might be experiencing an injury the week before the event. To someone who has walked away from her career to become a stay-at-home wife for 40 years, watching her husband leave her for a younger woman might be the "worst" thing. And, to a woman whose sole goal in life has been to love and nurture a child, infertility may indeed be the "worst" thing that could happen.
People wouldn't dream of telling someone whose parent just died, "It could be worse: both of your parents could be dead." Such a comment would be considered cruel rather than comforting. In the same vein, don't tell your friend that she could be going through worse things than infertility.
Don't Ask Why They Aren't Trying IVF
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a method in which the woman harvests multiple eggs, which are then combined with the man's sperm in a petri dish. This is the method that can produce multiple births. People frequently ask, "Why don't you just try IVF?" in the same casual tone they would use to ask, "Why don't you try shopping at another store?"
Don't Be Crude
It is appalling that I even have to include this paragraph, but some of you need to hear this-Don't make crude jokes about your friend's vulnerable position. Crude comments like "I'll donate the sperm" or "Make sure the doctor uses your sperm for the insemination" are not funny, and they only irritate your friends.
Don't Complain About Your Pregnancy
This message is for pregnant women-Just being around you is painful for your infertile friends. Seeing your belly grow is a constant reminder of what your infertile friend cannot have. Unless an infertile women plans to spend her life in a cave, she has to find a way to interact with pregnant women. However, there are things you can do as her friend to make it easier.
The number one rule is DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR PREGNANCY. I understand from my friends that, when you are pregnant, your hormones are going crazy and you experience a lot of discomfort, such as queasiness, stretch marks, and fatigue. You have every right to vent about the discomforts to any one else in your life, but don't put your infertile friend in the position of comforting you.
Your infertile friend would give anything to experience the discomforts you are enduring because those discomforts come from a baby growing inside of you. When I heard a pregnant woman complain about morning sickness, I would think, "I'd gladly throw up for nine straight months if it meant I could have a baby." When a pregnant woman would complain about her weight gain, I would think, "I would cut off my arm if I could be in your shoes."
I managed to go to baby showers and hospitals to welcome my friends' new babies, but it was hard. Without exception, it was hard. Stay sensitive to your infertile friend's emotions, and give her the leeway that she needs to be happy for you while she cries for herself. If she can't bring herself to hold your new baby, give her time. She isn't rejecting you or your new baby; she is just trying to work her way through her pain to show sincere joy for you. The fact that she is willing to endure such pain in order to celebrate your new baby with you speaks volumes about how much your friendship means to her.
Don't Treat Them Like They Are Ignorant
For some reason, some people seem to think that infertility causes a person to become unrealistic about the responsibilities of parenthood. I don't follow the logic, but several people told me that I wouldn't ache for a baby so much if I appreciated how much responsibility was involved in parenting.
Let's face it-no one can fully appreciate the responsibilities involved in parenting until they are, themselves, parents. That is true whether you successfully conceived after one month or after 10 years. The length of time you spend waiting for that baby does not factor in to your appreciation of responsibility. If anything, people who have been trying to become pregnant longer have had more time to think about those responsibilities. They have also probably been around lots of babies as their friends started their families.
Perhaps part of what fuels this perception is that infertile couples have a longer time to "dream" about what being a parent will be like. Like every other couple, we have our fantasies-my child will sleep through the night, would never have a tantrum in public, and will always eat his vegetables. Let us have our fantasies. Those fantasies are some of the few parent-to-be perks that we have-let us have them. You can give us your knowing looks when we discover the truth later.
Don't Gossip About Your Friend's Condition
Infertility treatments are very private and embarrassing, which is why many couples choose to undergo these treatments in secret. Men especially are very sensitive to letting people know about infertility testing, such as sperm counts. Gossiping about infertility is not usually done in a malicious manner. The gossipers are usually well-meaning people who are only trying to find out more about infertility so they can help their loved ones.
Regardless of why you are sharing this information with someone else, it hurts and embarrasses your friend to find out that Madge the bank teller knows what your husband's sperm count is and when your next period is expected. Infertility is something that should be kept as private as your friend wants to keep it. Respect your friend's privacy, and don't share any information that your friend hasn't authorized.
Don't Push Adoption (Yet)
Adoption is a wonderful way for infertile people to become parents. (As an adoptive parent, I can fully vouch for this!!) However, the couple needs to work through many issues before they will be ready to make an adoption decision. Before they can make the decision to love a "stranger's baby," they must first grieve the loss of that baby with Daddy's eyes and Mommy's nose. Adoption social workers recognize the importance of the grieving process. When my husband and I went for our initial adoption interview, we expected the first question to be, "Why do you want to adopt a baby?" Instead, the question was, "Have you grieved the loss of your biological child yet?" Our social worker emphasized how important it is to shut one door before you open another.
You do, indeed, need to grieve this loss before you are ready to start the adoption process. The adoption process is very long and expensive, and it is not an easy road. So, the couple needs to be very sure that they can let go of the hope of a biological child and that they can love an adopted baby. This takes time, and some couples are never able to reach this point. If your friend cannot love a baby that isn't her "own," then adoption isn't the right decision for her, and it is certainly not what is best for the baby.
Mentioning adoption in passing can be a comfort to some couples. (The only words that ever offered me comfort were from my sister, who said, "Whether through pregnancy or adoption, you will be a mother one day.") However, "pushing" the issue can frustrate your friend. So, mention the idea in passing if it seems appropriate, and then drop it. When your friend is ready to talk about adoption, she will raise the issue herself.
So, what can you say to your infertile friends? Unless you say "I am giving you this baby," there is nothing you can say that will erase their pain. So, take that pressure off of yourself. It isn't your job to erase their pain, but there is a lot you can do to lesson the load. Here are a few ideas.
Let Them Know That You Care
The best thing you can do is let your infertile friends know that you care. Send them cards. Let them cry on your shoulder. If they are religious, let them know you are praying for them. Offer the same support you would offer a friend who has lost a loved one. Just knowing they can count on you to be there for them lightens the load and lets them know that they aren't going through this alone.
Remember Them on Mother's Day
With all of the activity on Mother's Day, people tend to forget about women who cannot become mothers. Mother's Day is an incredibly painful time for infertile women. You cannot get away from it-There are ads on the TV, posters at the stores, church sermons devoted to celebrating motherhood, and all of the plans for celebrating with your own mother and mother-in-law.
Mother's Day is an important celebration and one that I relish now that I am a mother. However, it was very painful while I was waiting for my baby. Remember your infertile friends on Mother's Day, and send them a card to let them know you are thinking of them. They will appreciate knowing that you haven't "forgotten" them.
Support Their Decision to Stop Treatments
No couple can endure infertility treatments forever. At some point, they will stop. This is an agonizing decision to make, and it involves even more grief. Even if the couple chooses to adopt a baby, they must still first grieve the loss of that baby who would have had mommy's nose and daddy's eyes.
Once the couple has made the decision to stop treatments, support their decision. Don't encourage them to try again, and don't discourage them from adopting, if that is their choice. Once the couple has reached resolution (whether to live without children, adopt a child, or become foster parents), they can finally put that chapter of their lives behind them. Don't try to open that chapter again.
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