I thought having a baby was supposed to be stressful for a marriage, not trying to conceive a baby. We're tired and drained.. physically, mentally, and emotionally, which leads to short fuses and an overall sense of grumpiness. We'd appreciate prayers for the health of our marriage. I love my husband even more now than the day I married him, and I know he feels the same. I don't want to give you all the wrong idea; we're not spending hours every day fighting or angry at each other. We're just so exhausted that we have little energy to put in to our marriage.
We had an incredible weekend though!! We went up to Traverse City with our wonderful friends Mike and Beth. They have been such an amazing support system to us and so encouraging and loving! And they have two beautiful girls that they've graciously shared with us :) It was amazing being able to get away from the normalicy of everyday life. We went shopping, the boys went on a motorcycle ride while Beth and I laid out on the beach, wine tasting, swimming, hot tubing, ate tons of unhealthy food... it was fabulous!!
No worries about taking medication, giving injections, eating this, don't drink that.... it was the first time in months where we were truly able to relax and enjoy each other. It was the first time in months were I didn't think about having/wanting a baby. It was exactly what we needed!
Here are some pictures of our adventure!
The view from the balcony of our hotel room!
Bob and me on our hotel balcony. For those of you who don't know, Bob really likes "Indiana Jones'" hats. :)

Beach Day! Beth took this picture of her feet in the sand, her sunglasses, magazine, and glass of wine to show what a perfect day it really was!
The Boys "swimming." This was as deep as they went because the water was cold! Please note, we clearly don't get out in the sun very often...
Shopping downtown Traverse!
Best View of the Sunset!!
Me and my hubby at The Blue Tractor for Lunch
We stopped at Moomers Ice Cream on the way home. If you're ever in Traverse City, you have to go here!!! Its about 6 miles outside of town, but so worth it!! They have the best icecream I've ever eaten, and I am an icecream expert!!!
And its good because its made fresh everyday! Literally! The icecream place is on a dairy farm!!
Mike and Bob rode their motorcycles to and from Traverse City. There's an amazing highway, M-22 that's fabulous for motorcycle rides!
And these are the two beautiful little ladies that were waiting for us when we got home! They are so precious!!!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful relaxing time. I bought my niece an almost identical shirt like the nemo one in Mexico!