Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Final Update before Retrieval!

Sorry for the gap in updates, we're still working on getting the Internet figured out.

Ok, where did I leave off... oh yeah!

So I went back in on Monday morning and everything looked "perfect!" My lining was at 15.5mm! I asked if it was ok that it hadn't changed much in the last few days, and was told that since it was so thick on Saturday, they hadn't expected it to be any thicker, but it still got .5 mm thicker, so that's a nice plus :)

As of Monday had 10 follicles definitely mature (between 16-20), 2 follicles between 14-15, and another 6-8 that were less than 8.

Estradial from Saturday was 1594 and as of Monday it was 3590.

I was sent home without talking to the nurse because they needed to have Dr. D review everything to determine if I was going to trigger Monday or Tuesday.  The nurse called me Monday afternoon and said Dr. D wanted to me to continue the Lupron and Gonal-f for one more night and trigger Tuesday. He did, however, drop my dose of the Gonal-f to 150 units for the last injection.

As if it was even possible, I woke up this morning feeling more bloated than ever! I've resolved to only wearing pj pants, sweatpants, and yoga pants and didn't even bother trying to squeeze into my jeans this morning. I've also been feeling a little nauseous... I don't know if its the meds, the nerves, or the fact that my ovaries are so enlarged that my stomach is being shoved back up my throat.. (gross, I know).

My wonderful friend Beth just gave me my trigger injection... it was far less painful than I thought it would be!

I'm scheduled for my retrieval on Thursday, October 11th at 6:45am, and have to be there at 6:15 for anesthesia prep. I am so NOT excited to have to be there so early, but I am ready for this to be done!

Friday morning I'm supposed to be getting a call from either the nurse or the embryologist to let me know the status of our embryos (how many were retrieved, how many fertilized, how many are actively maturing, etc...) and to schedule me for the transfer, which will happen sometime on Saturday.

Then comes the worst part... waiting.

For the first time during this IVF process, I'm beginning to feel fearful. Fearful that something will go wrong; that none of the eggs will fertilize; that none will make it to freeze. And most of all, fearful that it won't work. And then where will be at? We certainly can't afford to do this again anytime soon... How will we handle the emotional strain of a failed IVF?

We know that God is in control; and I've been reminded over and over this week that He has me right where He wants me and that there's a reason He has us right here right now. We may never know the "why's" of our circumstances... at least not in this life.... but we hold on to the thing He's given us... Hope.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck tomorrow. Just know that you have done everything possible for them to retrieve healthy little embryos :) I hope it goes smoothly and you have a wonderful fertilization report the day after.
