Friday, October 12, 2012

The Numbers Are In

Retrieval yesterday morning went well. No complications, and so far, no signs of OHSS!

I was pretty groggy most of yesterday from the anesthesia... in fact when I got home Bob made me some toast for breakfast and I definitely fell asleep with a bite in my mouth for a good 45 min! I was also very sore and uncomfortable, but am doing significantly better today.

We were told to arrive at 6:15am for procedure at 6:45am. The nurse... well... she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but everything worked out fine.

And now, for the real reason you're reading this post... My numbers.

I heard from the doctors office at 9:30am today... approximately 27 hours after retrieval.

18 eggs were retrieved!

7 were immature (so unable to fertilize)

1 was degenerative (old, so also unable to fertilize)

They attempted to fertilize the remaining 10 using ICSI. Of those........

ALL 10 FERTILIZED!!!!!!!!!!!

100% success in fertilization using ICSI!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't ask grades or anything, because it doesn't matter... all 10 eggs that could fertilize did! That's unheard of!!

We are over the moon right now! While we know that this doesn't mean all 10 will last indefinitely, they've all made it at least 24 hours! With ICSI, they fertilize approximately 2 hours after retrieval, so they've all made it since 8:45 yesterday morning!

As Bob said, we now have 10 babies! Can you believe it!?

Transfer is tomorrow morning at 9:00am. I'll have to stay at the office in the "head down reclining position" for about 1-2 hours and then once I get home, I need to be flat on my back with my legs elevated for the first 4 hours. Then its bed rest the next 48 hours. So lots of TV and movie watching for this girl! Hopefully I can convince Bob to move the big TV into our bedroom for the next few days :)

Thank you all for your prayers! We have so much to be thankful for right now!



  1. Wow great fertilization rate. We had the same luck with ICSI also! Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Congrats!! I will continue praying for both of you...and your 10 little babies as well!!!

  3. I'm so happy for you, we will continue to pray!

  4. Woohoo!!!! So awesome, you may never have to do another fresh cycle again!!
