(Sorry the picture is blurry, don't know what happened there)
How far along: 23 weeks
How far along am I measuring:
not sure, but I feel like bigger every day
Weight Gain/Loss:
+16.7lbs (as of 22 weeks.) I choose not to weigh myself in between Dr's appointments because I know its important for me to gain weight and I don't want to obsess over it.
How Big are Babies: Size of grapefruits! As of last week they were both 15 oz, but over the next 4 weeks they should double in size!
Major Achievement for Babies: Their faces are fully formed! Now they just need some more fat to fill out :)
Maternity Clothes: Yup. By some miracle I'm still able to fasten my jeans with a hair tie, otherwise I'm
exclusively in maternity clothes.
Sleep:Getting worse. I have more heartburn at night now so have to start proped up with pillows and then all night toss and turn from side to side. We're thinking of investing in a big recliner for me to sleep in now and for nursing once the babies are born.
Movement:Yes! I'm starting to notice more of a routine to their movements, but it is getting harder and harder to tell who's who in there. Last night Baby B had a serious case of the hiccups and I saw my belly move from the outside for the first time! It was crazy awesome!
Food Cravings: Veggie subs and PaneraBread
Broccoli Cheese Soup
Food Aversions:
Eggs, Fruit, Vegetables.... pretty much anything healthy sounds awful.
Genders: Baby A - GIRL!!!! Baby B -
Symptoms: Round ligament pain is getting worse. Fatigue, Acne, Insomnia. I've also been having episodes of what I think is low blood sugar. I'm having to be much more intentional about what I eat and when especially the further along I get.... the bigger I get, the less room there is for food.
Moment(s) This Week: Getting one of the cribs and the changing table put together! It took Bob (with me supervising :) over an hour to put the first crib together, so needless to say the other one is still sitting in the box. If anyone wants to volunteer to put it together let me know, because I can't lift the pieces by myself.
What am I Looking Forward To: Still waiting for Bob to be able to feel them. I'm excited to be able to "see" them move more and more. BabyMoon!! My WONDERFUL aunt and uncle are letting us stay in their vacation home up north in a few weeks to get away and we're so excited!!!!
Also, once again my OB has brought up the question of how we want to have the babies. And, once again, I said "I don't care," She looked at me and responded, "You know, you really should care."
Let me clarify for you all. Its not that I don't care because I have no preferences and no opinions, or because I have no knowledge.... I say I don't care because I understand that this is a high risk pregnancy, and, thus, a high risk delivery. I'm ok with doing whatever method is safest for my children (and me).
I'm absolutely, positively not set on a "all natural birth," never have been, never will be. I'm way to big of a wimp, and I'm all for modern science and the advancements in pain management (and if you have a different opinion, that's fine, I just don't need to hear about it).
After much talking Bob and I are currently leaning towards an elective c-section. While we still have plenty of time to make our final decision, and we could very well change our minds, this is what we are feeling is the safest option for us. Currently, neither baby is considered fully head down, and if it remains that way, we'll have to have a c-section any ways. Our biggest concern at this point is that if we go for a vaginal delivery, Baby A will come out fine and then Baby B will turn or there will be a cord prolapse, etc requiring an emergency c-section. Fortunately, at our hospital, they always delivery twins in the OR so that if a c-section is necessary, they're already set up.
In all my research I've found a very common trend among mom's of twins who've had c-sections. They either 1) hated their experience or 2) loved it. AND the ones who hated it, didn't want c-sections and required emergency c-section of either one or both of their babies and those who loved them had elective c-sections.
I've had quite a few people ask me this question, so that's why I thought I'd just throw it out here. Again, we could still change our minds on what we chose to do, but based on babies' current positions and researching c-section vs vaginal birth of twins (which does happen successfully!) we're leaning towards at scheduled c-section at 37 weeks. I'd welcome any imput or personal experiences (but I WILL be getting an epidural, you'll never convince me otherwise) :)
You look absolutely amazing! Not only for being 23 weeks, but for being 23 weeks with twins.