Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Really?? Where's my punch card??

I'm seriously wondering why the hosptial doesn't offer punch cards.... because I'm back in the hospital AGAIN. Reason?? Pre-Pre-Eclampsia.You read it right... pre pre-eclampsia. As in not pre-eclampsia, but potentially headed that direction.

Today started off normal. I had another NST this morning. Babies did great! B finished in about 7 min and A finished in around 15min! My blood pressure was fine and my swelling was much improved from yesterday.

I think I mentioned it in my last post, but I've had this lousy cold for a couple of weeks. While the cold symptoms seem to be getting better, my throat started feeling swollen yesterday and this morning I saw a couple white spots :( While I know that this does not automatically indicate strep, I figured I should get it checked out sooner than later.

So after my NST I called my OB's office and scheduled a nurse visit for this afternoon to have a strep test done. Simple, right? Of course not! This is me we're talking about after all :)
The nurse took my temp (said I did in fact have a fever), did the swab, I told her my symptoms, and said she'd be back in about 5 min. Well 10 min later, a different nurse comes and says she needs to get my vitals because I'm going to see my OB. I figured that must mean my strep test was positive. So I just went with the flow. We get into the exam room and the nurse asked me if I was told what my temp was... I said, "I think she said around 100." The girl responded, "no, it was actually 106."

Seriously??? 106? I'd be dead or at least having a seizure with a temp that high. So I just said, "oh, ok" Knowing it was wrong.

My blood pressure was 156/94 so of course I was told to immediately lay down on the table on my left side and the Dr. would be in shortly. She also said she wanted to recheck my temp (really? think that'd be a good idea??)  Second temp was 96.4... nope... i doubt it.... third time it was 98.5... ahhh that sounds better :)

Sadly, when the Dr. rechecked my BP it wasn't any better. That combined with the 10lb weight gain in less than 2 weeks and the continued swelling in my feet got me, once again, sent to the Labor & Delivery unit of the ER. (Oh, and the strep was negative... go figure).

After 2 hours in L&D, labs done, babies monitored, and BP checked every 5 minutes I was told everything was completely normal EXCEPT my blood pressure. It just would NOT go down.

So here I sit. I'm being kept overnight for observation. I also have the joy of doing a 24 hour urine collection to check for protein. They'll be checking my BP every 3-4 hours unless it continues to go up in which case it will be even more frequent.

Good news is both babies are doing 100% fine! They're active, their heart rates are normal, and I'm not showing any signs of pre-term labor.

Bad news:
1. If my blood pressure doesn't go down but urine is normal, I'll most likely be sent home tomorrow afternoon with BP pills to take.

2. If my blood pressure doesn't go down and/or urine shows moderate amount of protein. I'll be kept in the hospital... pretty much until the babies are born.

3. If my blood pressure doesn't go down and/or urine shows high levels of protein, they could potentially induce labor in a few days.

I understand the medical reasons surrounding all of these scenarios... however, I don't like it... not one bit. I think the hardest part to swollow, is that the babies are doing so well and they'd only need to induce because my body isn't working right. I just want them to be able to stay in and get as big as possible!! But for some, unknown, reason, my BP has decided to work against, not only me, but also my babies.

We would really appreciate your prayers as we really have no idea what's coming next or what's going to happen and the sooner the babies come, the more likely that they'll need more medical intervention and more time in NICU. There will be NO decisions made until tomorrow evening, but we'll try to keep everyone posted.



  1. Wow that is a lot of information to take in and process. I hope that your levels are dropping so you won't need to make any hard decisions of delivering early. Please keep us updated and know you are in my thoughts.

  2. So sorry things aren't going so smoothly. Hope you're home now and your BP went down.
