Monday, October 7, 2013

4 Month Update!

Where has the time gone!!?? I'm so sorry I haven't updated more often, life has just been so busy! (As I'm sure you can imagine) :)

The girls are going to be 18 weeks old tomorrow! 4.5 months!?!?! Are you kidding me!?!? So much has changed since my last update; except that they're still perfect :)

  • They've had their first and second round of vaccines
  • We've started sleep training!
  • Both girls have started teething
  • I am by myself 95% of the time during the day (Ahhh, so scary at first!)
  • The girls go EVERYWHERE with me and I love it! They're amazing! We go to the mall or grocery store and they just hang out babbling, looking around, sleeping, or smiling.
  • Both girls are sleeping through the night 90% of the time!
  • The girls were dedication at church last week
  • They noticed each other for the first time last week and started talking to each other. Now every time they see each other they start talking, laughing, and smiling. (Video of this below)
  • They are truly the most content babies I have ever seen :) Honestly, they only cry if they need something; otherwise they just hang out and talk and smile.

ABIGAIL HOPE: 4 Months Old

Weight: 11lbs 14oz
Length: 23.25in

Eating: 3-5oz every 3 hours. All formula
Sleeping: 3-4 naps per day. 10 hours at night.

Milestones: Smiling socially, giggling, tummy time, rolling over!! (the video below was the second time she rolled over :) Reaching for and grasping toys and her bottle. Sleeps in her crib at night and her swing for naps. Falls asleep all on her own for both!

Likes/Dislikes: Still 100% Daddy's girl. Loves to suck her thumb... still occasionally takes her paci, but definitely prefers her thumb. Loves books and being read to. Constantly trying to roll around; still likes to watch TV :) Loves to talk and babble. Does not like bed time, but otherwise is extremely happy.

Josephine Grace: 4 Months Old

Weight: 14lbs 6oz
Length: 23.5in
Eating: 4-6oz every 3 hours
Sleeping: 3-4 naps 10 hours at night
Milestones: Babbling constantly! Has had a true "belly laugh" a few times. Grasping and picking up toys. Josie is incredibly social! Even the doctor said she's socially like a 6 month old :)
Likes/Dislikes: Loves to look at people's faces. When we read to her, she turns around and watches us rather than looking at the book. Just started sucking her thumb three days ago; still takes paci, but will only take the ones we got from the hospital (which are way too small for her) so she's using her thumb to self-soothe instead. Still likes to snuggle at bedtime, but prefers to put herself to sleep (which is bitter sweet for mommy and daddy)

Twin Talk